Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate

Hey team,

Today is Women’s Equality Day and the anniversary of the adoption of the 19th Amendment, which afforded women the right to vote. So I’m celebrating some of the inspirational women in my life.

I recently became a Grandmother to a beautiful little girl and it’s been the most magical thing. It reminds me of how much I admired both of my grandmothers growing up.

One was a union leader at a ball-bearing plant. She was like the matriarch of our neighborhood and did everything she could to keep it safe.

My other grandmother was the one who introduced me to Bright Hope, the church we attended with her. Her faith shaped me into who I am today.

And while today we celebrate women and their contributions, we must acknowledge the hurdles we faced to get here. When the 19th Amendment was adopted, Black women were still not afforded the right to vote. Women like my grandmothers have shattered glass ceilings so that women would have a voice in this country.

Women still have not achieved equality through no fault of their own. We are less represented, paid less, heard less, believed less – even more so for women of color.

I will always fight for women’s equality and rights. And I’m ready to take that fight to the Senate. If you’re with me, will you chip in to my Senate campaign?

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Lisa Blunt Rochester