We can keep moving Kentucky forward, but Andy needs your support right now.


We're just a couple of months out from Election Day, and I couldn't be more proud of how Andy has run his re-election campaign.

These hotly contested races tend to get dirty. Candidates begin mudslinging, taking cheap shots, and losing sight of important issues. But Andy has remained focused. He continues to practice what he preaches by sharing a hopeful vision for our Commonwealth — one in which Kentuckians unite behind shared values of family, faith, hard work, and caring for one another.

That's why his campaign resonates with Kentuckians across zip codes, in rural, suburban, and urban areas, and in the hearts of millions. And it's why a majority of Kentuckians approve of the job he's done as governor. We have come so far in the last four years, and Andy is prepared to keep moving the Commonwealth forward — but we still have work to do.

That's why I'm asking, if you're able, please donate any amount before Andy's August end-of-month deadline >>>

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John: This race is going to be the most expensive governor's race in Kentucky history. Andy's opponent and his allies are spending millions in an effort to deceive voters about who Andy is and what he's accomplished for our Commonwealth.

You and I both know the truth – but we need to ensure Kentuckians in every corner of the Commonwealth know it too. There's simply too much on the line to let Andy's opponent buy this race and drag Kentucky backward. We need your support today to ensure we can set the record straight so Andy can keep fighting to make progress for Kentucky.

Will you join me in supporting Andy's re-election campaign by chipping in before his end-of-month deadline? With your support, we can continue moving Kentucky forward.

Thank you,

Britainy Beshear

Andy & Britainy


Andy is fighting to make the Bluegrass State the best place it can be for generations to come, and he needs you on board. Will you chip in today to Andy's re-election campaign?


Andy Beshear for Governor
PO Box 4278
Louisville, KY 40204
United States
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