COMMENT PERIOD CLOSING: Stop oil drilling sale on public lands before it’s too late! >>

The Basin and Range’s National monument contains some of the country’s most unique geologic formations and cultural history, with its 4,000-year-old rock carvings and one of Nevada’s ONLY natural arches. But greedy fossil fuel companies could DESTROY surrounding public lands by drilling for oil!

The Department of Interior is poised to lease public lands less than 10 miles from this protected monument for fossil fuel extraction, along with other public lands in Nevada and North Dakota. The good news is that this decision isn’t final – but we only have a FEW DAYS LEFT before the comment deadline! SEND A MESSAGE TO THE DOI: stop this sale of public lands to greedy fossil fuel companies! 

Fossil fuels are pushing the planet and life on Earth to the brink, Friend. Millions of people were forced to stay inside this summer because of horrendous air quality. Wildfires RAGED across Maui, devastating entire communities. Unprecedented storms left people without power for days. We can’t let greedy companies dredge up even more climate-warming fossil fuels – especially not at the expense of our safety and precious public lands.

Please, Friend, help us hit our signature goal of 3,239 more names before 11:59pm TONIGHT! Protect Nevada and North Dakota public lands from fossil fuel greed!

Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio
Fossil Fuels Program Manager,
Friends of the Earth
