Unpopular Opinion: Bats are adorable.
And Taxpayer, I’m going to spend the rest of this email convincing you why you should help us protect them from government white coats.
Taxpayer, bats are critical to our ecosystem. They control the mosquito population and pollinate over 500 plant species, including avocados, bananas, and agave.
Without bats, we could kiss margaritas, guacamole, and our best hope of restoring the rainforest goodbye!
These mammals are also incredibly smart and cute. Baby bats, called “pups,” nurse from their mothers, and some species even “babble” like human babies. In the wild, bats form friendships that can last decades.
Taxpayer, they’re literally puppies of the sky!
BREAKING SCANDAL: But government white coats are colluding with zoos and animal sanctuaries to slaughter bats by the thousands in secretive taxpayer-funded labs!
Taxpayer, we just discovered that the Catoctin Wildlife Preserve (CWP) ships Egyptian Fruit bats to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) lab, where they’re tortured and killed in cruel, Wuhan-style experiments.
This supposed animal “sanctuary” is nothing but a supply source for government labs!
AND GET THIS: CWP solicits donations from the public, vowing in return to “sustain and expand the population of animals in protected environments” — their own words.
But Taxpayer, this is far from the truth. Our investigators discovered CWP’s Director of Animal Health is a former NIH white coat with a long history of conducting cruel animal experiments.
Now, she’s taken her work outside the lab — running a secret bat breeding operation for the NIH, disguised as a wildlife preserve! It’s a sick betrayal of public trust!
Unless we intervene, NIH and CWP will continue getting away with THIS:
Taxpayer, no other group is protecting these misunderstood animals from cruel experimentation. So, WCW has entered the ring… and we need backup.
Taxpayer, CWF isn’t alone. We uncovered records showing several other zoos, including the Miami-Dade Zoo in Florida, are also supplying bats for cruel virus-enhancing experiments.
And NIH white coats don’t stop there. If they can’t get their victims from a shady animal sanctuary, they travel to other countries, round up wild bats, and ship them back to their laboratories in U.S.
The bats are imprisoned in tiny cages until the day they’re killed.
Taxpayer, since 2019, NIH white coats have wasted at least $20 million of our tax money to mass slaughter more than 20,000 bats. And they’re lobbying as we speak to make those numbers MUCH bigger.
72-HOUR DEADLINE: Congress is setting the NIH’s budget right now – which means we must act fast, and aggressively. But to do that, we must raise $50,000 within the next 72 hours.
Please consider rushing $3 or more to our Bat Freedom Fund to help us end the taxpayer-funded slaughter of one of the ecosystem’s most important animals and to support all our campaigns against government animal testing!
You give. We win. They Survive.
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Daniel López Research & Investigations Director White Coat Waste Project |
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