Please join our Zoom call this Saturday, August 26th at 10 AM.
We will have updates on the 2023 Legislative Session and provide time for members to report local issues that would be of interest statewide.
It's been a while since we talked, so we like you to bring issues of common interest to discuss and local concerns to discuss and get advice from other members.
The Legislature was on Summer Recess from July 14 to August 14. This gave us a little break. We hope you all have had a good summer. We are now on the final legislative push. Sept 1 is the last day for the Appropriations committees to meet and report bills. Sept 5th through Sept 14th is for floor sessions only, with Sept 8th being the last day to amend bills on the floor and Sept 14th being the last day for each house to pass bills.
Our main focus is impacting Scott Wiener's SB 423. On Wed Aug 23rd, it was heard in Assembly Appropriations and placed in the suspense file. It is likely to come out of suspense on Aug 28.
Livable California joined a coalition of 37 organizations representing statewide and national constituencies committed to protecting coastal and ocean resources and upholding California’s landmark coastal protection law: the California Coastal Act of 1976. The letter was sent to the Assembly Appropriations Committee. It raised many high level concern with SB 423 and opposed the bill unless amended. You can see that letter here.
We suggest your organizations oppose SB 423 with letters to members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee. If you are a constituent of one of the
members, please let them know. Constituents carry extra impact.
Contact information for the Assembly Appropriations Committee can be downloaded here.
Please help fund this month's activities. Donate here.
You can see the status of all the bills we've followed this session here.
Here are resources for you to use during the legislative session. These are also linked on the Livable California Website under the menu item “2023 Legislation”:
Help us continue to lobby for good bills and fight bad ones for you, while keeping you informed and involved. The best way for us to be sustainable throughout the year is to have enough monthly contributors. $20 or $50 per month from enough new monthly contributors will really help our sustainability. Become a sustaining member with a modest monthly donation. If you can't become a monthly contributor, please send a spot contribution to help the cause here.
If you have previously attended our teleconferences, use your previously assigned zoom link. We resend those on the day before for your convenience. Please don't share your unique link.
First-time attending? You must RSVP at this link. Questions about attending? Email us at: [email protected].