
On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington, on this day, August 25, 1925, 500 African-American sleeping car porters gathered at the Elks Hall in Harlem. The meeting was called by A. Phillip Randolph, who was chosen to represent the porters because he did not work for Pullman and would not be subject to the intimidation tactics used against their own employees. During this time, at its peak, there were over 20,000 African-Americans employed by the Pullman Palace Car Company. Exactly 12 years later, on August 25, 1937, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters became the very first African-American labor union to sign a collective bargaining agreement with a major U.S. corporation. And with A. Phillip Randolph as their first president, who fought to improve the working conditions and pay for Pullman Porters.

On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the historic March on Washington, there is so much to think about and reflect on: the civil rights movement, the labor movement, women’s rights, the rights of our LGBTQIA+ community, the evolution of political discourse, and the environment. I think of Dr. King, of John Lewis, of Dorothy Height, of A. Phillip Randolph, and of Bayard Rustin, some of the organizers and original participants of the march.

On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the historic March on Washington, I think about Dr. King’s speech delivered at the National Cathedral in D.C. on March 31, 1968. Less than a week later, he would be assassinated while in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was there to support striking Sanitation Workers. He would use a quote that he had used before in other speeches but no less meaningful: "We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice."

On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the historic March on Washington, I think about the marchers, different in many ways, marching arm in arm, together singing, "We shall overcome one day!" and I think about all of the progress we have made and all the work we still have ahead of us.










IATSE Local 415 Solidarity Town Hall

Signing of HB 2717

AARA Convention- Solidarity for Victory in 2024


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