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It’s hard to believe that August is already winding down. For
some families, the new school year began this week. And for many
others, including all DC Public Schools, school starts on Monday the
28th. Cora and Everett are excited to start 6th and 2nd grade
respectively, and both mom and dad are ready for the new year too! If
you or your kiddo are headed back to school soon, I hope the new
school year gets off to a great start for you! I've been checking in
with many of our schools, educators, and parents to help with the last
minute push to ensure schools are ready. And as always, a big thanks
to our outstanding teachers and leaders in the classrooms! As you
enjoy the last week of August, here's a newsletter with some updates
across the board. We'll cover public safety updates, what you need to
know for back-to-school, and some upcoming events in the Ward you
shouldn't miss. So if you're back from vacation and tuning back in,
read on!
Quick Links: Public Safety
Update | DC's Red Flag Law | Back-to-School Reminders | DC State Testing Scores Up | Rumsey Pool Update | Lincoln Park Family Day | 8th & Mass Ave Triangle Park | Kennedy Rec Center Modernization | Outdoor Pool Schedule | Live On The Hill Jazz
Public Safety Update
My team and I continue to join or organize as many
community safety walks as we can to ensure residents are able to hear
from MPD officers and other public safety agency leaders. And just as
importantly, these staff who work in the neighborhoods can hear from
you about your own observations and concerns. Public safety remains
the top issue and one my entire team is engaged on. I've written in
previous newsletters about the emergency law the Council passed in
July and in case you missed some of the most recent updates, you can find them here.
DC's Red Flag Law Could Be Doing So Much More to Help on Gun
When it comes to gun violence and the easy
access to guns across the region, there remains a lot that requires
national action. But there's at least one tool that DC controls that
has long been underused: our red flag law that can help remove a gun
before someone does harm to themselves or others.
This week,
DC Attorney General Brian Schwalb issued a public safety advisory to
educate DC residents about our “Red Flag" law. I worked with my
colleagues at the Council to pass the District's red flag law back in
2018 and it's been in effect, but rarely used, since May of 2019. In
essence, red flag laws can get guns out of the hands of people who are
clearly at risk of doing harm to themselves or others. It often is
associated more with self-harm, but it can equally apply when a family
member, such as a parent or grandparent, is worried about a family
member who they know has a gun and sees the danger. The entire purpose
is to recognize that gun violence is often driven by personal conflict
that builds up. There are people who see it coming and this is a tool
for them.
In those cases, the resident or an MPD officer can petition
for an Emergency Protection Order (ERPO), requiring the removal of
guns (whether its a legally registered firearm or not) from a
potentially dangerous person. In the budget last year, I secured
funding for a simple public awareness campaign. My thanks to Attorney
General Schwalb and his team for rolling it out. Their work led to a
well-reported piece on the Red Flag law from
the Washington Post. This is a tool we can use to get
guns out of a dangerous situation, illegally or legally owned, but it
only works if people who spot the danger know what to do. Learn
more about the District’s “Red Flag Law”.
Ward 6 Public Safety Updates: Arrest
at 800 H St. for Distribution of a Controlled Substance while
Armed -- MPD shared with my team that they've made an arrest
around drug distribution at the intersection of 8th and H St., NE.
This is an intersection where I've asked different agencies, including
MPD, to have a stronger presence and this arrest shows that
partnership is having an impact. Arrest
following armed robbery at 9th and L St., NE Arrest made for
Burglary Two at 1300 H Street NE Arrests
made for multiple armed carjacking offenses (including some in
Ward 6) - including this as a good reminder many offenses are
committed by a small number of people.
Back to School Reminders
It’s hard to believe that our DCPS students are
heading back to school Monday (what will parents do with all that
extra time not booking camps?!) and our DC Public Charter School
students are as well in the next two weeks. Make sure you and your
kids are ready with vaccinations up to date, a transportation plan,
supplies, and more. I’m re-sharing the some of the back-to-school
reminders and resources I shared in my last newsletter
DC Students Test Scores Head in the Right Direction,
More to Do
Speaking of heading back to school, this week the Office of
the State Superintendent of Education released
results of the PARCC state test results from last
school year, showing a 2.6 percentage point increase in math and 2.9
percentage point gain in the English Language Arts tests over 2022
results. This is promising news that shows we’re trending in the right
direction after the disruption of in-person learning led to decreased
scores last year. Even though we’re still not back to pre-pandemic
scores, we should recognize and celebrate that our 2023 scores are the
result of hard work from our dedicated teachers and students, who
still are working to undo a lot of the damage done during the worst
months of the pandemic. We’ve still got work to do, but as both a DCPS
parent and elected leader, I’m proud of our teachers and students and
expect that we will continue to see improvements in the years to
Rumsey Pool Update
My office and I have heard from a lot of frustrated residents
about Rumsey's recent closures. After contacting DGS and DPR, I
learned that the HVAC system went down right after they completed
their filtration system fixes (neither of which were communicated
clearly to residents). Like many of you, I am frustrated at DPR’s
failure to adequately communicate these issues with Rumsey users, as
they have also failed to share updates with my office. I was
particularly frustrated that a better effort wasn't made to relocate
existing programming that swimmers depend on. On Monday, DPR has told
me the repairs were completed, the building passed inspection, and the
pool has opened. As many of you know, I’ve put money in the budget to
rebuild and modernize Rumsey, but we’re several years away from that
being completed. In the meantime, I’m going to follow up with DPR and
DGS about what went wrong and how we can ensure they will keep
residents and pool users clearly updated on future closures and
Lincoln Park Family Day Tomorrow!
This Saturday from 11:30 am - 4:30 pm, join the
Capitol Hill Seventh-Day Adventist Church at Lincoln Park for its One
Love: Lincoln Park Family Day event. There will be a kids zone with
arts and crafts, food zone with Taste of DC, free blood pressure
checks, eye screenings, listening booth with licensed therapists, and
gospel yoga, prizes and backpack giveaways, and a snow cone truck!
Triangle Park at
8th and
Massachusetts Ave NE
Some exciting news about a small but important
public space: work
is finally beginning on the small triangle park at
8th and Massachusetts Ave NE that I worked
with then-ANC Commissioner Mike Soderman to get money in the budget
for a few years ago. It needed an upgrade and it's getting one
now. While not on the scale of some of the larger park
and playground projects I've worked with neighbors to have rebuilt and
improved, I'm still excited that even this relatively small area can
become a communal place where neighbors gather, manage gardens and
plantings, have a spot for a cool drink of water, and more.
Improvements to Kennedy Recreation Center
On August 12, the Department of Parks and Recreation closed
the Kennedy Recreation Center for a modernization project that will
include a brand new kitchen, a flexible multipurpose gathering space
for all and new computer work space. Kennedy Rec Center used to be in
Ward 6 (and is now in Ward 2) and is still a close option for Mt.
Vernon Triangle residents, but I worked with neighbors to add funds to
make needed improvements for the rec center that is a hub of life and
activity for neighbors both young and old. I'm glad to see these
improvements underway. The work is scheduled to conclude
in Winter 2024 and the rec center will reopen shortly
after. You can check out the project's
page for more information.
Outdoor Pools Winding
While it's still certainly pool weather outside, remember DPR
outdoor pools have started to close for the season, with the final
pool closures on Labor Day, September 4. Randall Pool closed on August
20 while Rosedale remains open (although it is closed on
Wednesdays) until Labor Day at 6pm. You
can see the schedules and closing dates for all the District’s outdoor
pools here.
Spray Parks will maintain their same schedule through Labor
Day. Hours
and locations here.
Live on the Hill Jazz Returns in
The Live on The Hill weekly jazz concerts will be back the
first week of September! After a short break in August, Barracks Row
Main Street is bringing back the concert series each Friday at the
Eastern Market Metro Park. Enjoy live music, food and special
activities from their 8th Street Partners. Upcoming performance
- 9/1 5:00-6:30 PM - Capitol Hill Jazz Performance
- 9/8 5:00-6:30 PM - String Attacks, String Quartet
- 9/15 5:00-6:30 PM - Capitol Hill Jazz
- 9/22 5:00-6:30 PM - TBA
- 9/29 5:00-10:00 PM - Capitol Hill Jazz & Art All
That's all from me for now. I hope you're able to get outside
and enjoy what for many of you is the final weekend of summer before
school starts.
See you around the neighborhood,
Charles Allen
