Quillette: The peculiar silence in the Students for Fair Admissions decision


To hear almost anyone tell it, racial preferences in university admissions are dead after the Supreme Court’s decision in Students for Fair Admissions.

But Ethan Blevins points out an odd silence in the Court’s ruling: It never expressly overrules the precedent that allowed universities to discriminate for the past 50 years.

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California’s mandatory ‘implicit bias’ training for medical professionals violates the First Amendment

When most people talk about free speech violations, they mean censorship—prohibiting certain speech.

While that version grabs headlines, another violation may be more insidious—compelling certain speech.

Brittany Hunter explains why California’s mandatory “implicit bias” training is compelled speech and how one woman is fighting back.

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New York Times: Supreme Court is asked to hear a new admissions case on race

This week Pacific Legal Foundation asked the Supreme Court to hear Virginia parents’ lawsuit challenging the admissions process at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. At issue is the use of what the school board says are race-neutral criteria to achieve a diverse student body.

The New York Times notes that the Supreme Court’s Students for Fair Admissions decision left open the constitutionality of such indirect racial balancing. The Thomas Jefferson case “is the next frontier,” Joshua Thompson told the Times.

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