Dear John,

Today, Oregon’s Senate Republicans walked out to prevent a vote on our climate bill (SB 1530). This is the fourth time in less than a year that they’ve denied quorum to prevent a bill from going to a vote. Oregonians are fed up with this childish behavior. 
By walking out, Republicans are wasting taxpayer dollars and preventing important billsincluding climate action, funding for housing, and emergency relieffrom going to a vote. Our climate bill has the votes it needs to pass, and the overwhelming support of Oregonians statewide. The only way Republicans could stop it was by walking out. And, in doing so, they've set the dangerous precedent that they can shut down the government at any time, over any issue that they don’t agree with. That’s not how the legislative system works. And, more importantly, that’s not the Oregon way. 
We need to do everything we can to call Oregon’s Republican Senators back to work, whether that means posting on social media, sending an email (if you have a Republican Senator), or attending tomorrow’s rally
No More Costly Walkouts Rally 
Date: Tuesday, February 25th, 2020
Time: 11:30am
Location: Oregon State Capitol (900 Court St. NE, Salem, OR, 97301)
It’s more important than ever that we hold Oregon’s Senate Republicans accountable. Oregonians like you and me don’t get paid if we don’t go to work. Neither should our legislators, especially when that money is coming from hardworking taxpayers. At tomorrow’s rally, we’ll send a clear message to Republicansthat they need to get back to the Capitol, and get back to work.
Even if you can’t attend the rally, you can take action by sharing OLCV’s posts on Twitter and Facebook, and/or writing your own social media posts using the hashtags #orpol, #orleg, #NoMoreCostlyWalkouts. Let’s make sure Oregon’s Republicans know that Oregonians have had enough of their expensive and careless walkouts, and that they need to get back to work, now
And, if you have a Republican Senator (find your district here), you can take action by sending them an email and telling them to get back to work. Every day the Republicans keep the Senate shut down will cost Oregonians thousands of dollars. It’s their job to show up at the Capitol and voice their constituents’ thoughts and opinions. Even if they don’t agree with the bills being voted on, our State Senators should be in Salem fighting for the best possible outcome, not skipping work because things aren’t going their way. 
As Oregonians, we need to show the Senate Republicans that walking out on their constituents is not okay. No matter how you get involved, whether it’s attending tomorrow’s rally, posting on social media, emailing your Republican State Senator, or giving a small gift to OLCV, we need to work together to defend Oregon’s values, and tell Republicans that enough is enough.
Thank you,
Doug Moore
Executive Director, OLCV

Paid For By The Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
321 SW 4th Avenue Suite 600
Suite 600
Portland OR 97204 United States
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