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10 WEEKS until the 10th Annual Gala
presented by CBI BANK & TRUST
Block 10th
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Robin here! Can you believe it has been 10 years?! Me neither. For 10 years, we've been celebrating angels, building community, and working to serve families experiencing devastating loss. A decade in, our annual gala remains the most beloved celebration of the year. And so, in true NFTS fashion, we'll host our largest and most elaborate (10th Annual) event on Saturday November 4th! Through Sunday, use code TENWEEKSTOGO to purchase discounted tickets and tables ($100/ticket or $1000/tables of 10). With 350 tickets already purchased, we are anticipating a SOLD OUT VENUE- that's 750 fun-loving, mission-minded friends and family! Would you secure yours today? With plentiful surprises up our sleeves, your RSVPs will help us prepare appropriately.
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Interested in sponsoring this important program?
Looking to contribute to our live + silent auctions?
Please email me directly so we can talk about all 
the ways can partner.
Take a Look back at 2022!
your support is healing hearts + changing lives. I can't wait to share the eveing with you.  Gratefully,
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