You won’t believe it. Dr. Frankenstein would be proud! While the American Medical Association denies all science and ethics to enrich Doctors around the country willing to experiment and butcher men and women struggling with serious mental illness, like gender dysphoria, they are now attempting to increase their revenue stream by asking taxpayers to front the bill! Instead of treating gender dysphoria, the medical establishment largely promotes it and races individuals towards irreversible hormone treatments, castration, and mutilations. Has our nation’s Judeo-Christian standards of morality really collapsed? Silence is compliance. Tell the AMA: First Do No Harm Tim Wildmon | American Family Association | 8-23-23 A recent article in the American Medical Association's AMA Journal of Ethics is suggesting taxpayers should pay the bill for biological men who choose to get a uterus transplant (UTx) from dead women. By floating these unreasonable and foolish proposals, the American Medical Association has basically exchanged the Hippocratic Oath for social and partisan activism. Americans have always expected doctors to follow the adage, "First, do no harm." “Tired of the rhetoric, we rise with purpose and act with conviction.”Thank you in advance for your support and participation! You're currently a free subscriber to Act for America. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |