Help us reach our 15,000-signature goal.

Tell the Biden Administration to Protect our Coasts from Offshore Drilling

The federal government is considering leasing as many as 11 potential new sites for offshore oil and gas drilling. The Biden administration’s draft five-year plan for offshore oil drilling includes proposals for leases within public waters in the Gulf of Mexico and possibly off Alaska.

There’s still time to weigh in. The Biden administration hasn’t made a final decision on how best to prioritize issues of conservation, recreation, wildlife, and climate change over the next five years.

There’s a short window to make your voice heard. It only takes a second: Tell the Biden administration that our waters are not for drilling.

Friend — a final plan from the Biden administration could expand offshore drilling in public waters. New drilling is inconsistent with sustainable environmental and climate goals.

We need to act quickly. For years, LCV and our movement have fought attempts to expand offshore drilling — and won. But we need to take action now to prevent new offshore leases that would lock our nation into decades more fossil fuel dependency and environmental destruction. Expanded drilling in our oceans is a clear threat to coastal communities, public health, and a safe climate.

We need to make sure that the environmental movement is heard loud and clear before the Biden administration reaches a final decision.

LCV has set a goal to deliver 15,000 signatures from environmentalists like you. Together, we can stop the destruction that offshore drilling would inflict on our coasts and climate — but only if you take action today.

Again and again, we see how offshore drilling harms frontline and coastal communities who already bear the brunt of climate change and pollution. The inevitability of oil spills threatens marine life, public health, and the safety of people living nearby.

AND at a time when the Biden administration has taken historic steps, and made additional commitments, toward an equitable and just clean energy future, new offshore drilling leases will simply lock in long-term fossil fuel infrastructure that’s inconsistent with the urgent need to address the climate crisis NOW.

We have to stop new drilling, Friend. Pressure from environmentalists like you could make a difference. It only takes a minute to add your name and make your opinion known. Take action right now to tell the Biden administration to protect our coasts from offshore drilling.

Your voice matters. Thank you for taking action to protect our waters, coasts, and climate.


America Fitzpatrick
Conservation Program Director
League of Conservation Voters
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