In 2018, we helped Democrats flip the House.
Voto Latino registered over 200,000 new voters in time for the midterm elections, and more than three-quarters of them turned out to cast a ballot! As a result, we helped generate a historic blue wave that delivered the House majority to Democrats.
In 2020, we helped defeat Donald Trump and flip the Senate blue.
Voto Latino set an ambitious goal of registering half a million voters. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, we blew past that goal and registered more than 600,000 new voters!
These new voters were instrumental to taking back the Senate and defeating Donald Trump — in Arizona and Georgia, the number of voters we registered exceeded the Democratic margin of victory.
In 2022, we helped stop the "red wave."
Voto Latino's registration and mobilization efforts helped drive Latino turnout in key swing states, helped prevent the "red wave" pundits predicted, and helped Democrats expand their Senate majority.
What happens in 2024? That's up to you.
By Election Day, more than four million young Latinos across the country will reach voting age. If we can replicate our successful voter registration and mobilization strategy, we can win take back the House, keep the Senate blue, and elect a Democratic president.
Our work is powered by grassroots support — and that means you have an opportunity to play an important role in determining what happens in November.
If you're ready to do your part, then please: Donate now to help us register and mobilize voters in battleground states >>