Plus: FAA Should Rely on Ability, Not Race, in Hiring Air Traffic Controllers
August 24 2023
Just How Many Imprisoned Men Who Identify as Transgender Are Guilty of Sexual Assault? More Than Half, New Data Shows
By Mary Margaret Olohan

Just over half of men housed in Wisconsin Department of Corrections facilities who identify as transgender women have been convicted of at least one count of sexual assault or sexual abuse.
FAA Should Rely on Ability, Not Race, in Hiring Air Traffic Controllers
By Sean Nation

The Federal Aviation Administration’s track record in merit-based hiring is atrocious. I know, because I’m the lead counsel in a class-action lawsuit against the FAA.
Paraguay’s New President Presents Strategic Cooperation Opportunities for US
By Anthony B. Kim

Paraguay is an important U.S. ally in South America, where many nations are turning away from the U.S. toward China and increasingly socialist governance.
HE’S BACK: Biden Returns to Court Over Exceeding Authority to Cancel Student Debt
By Adam Kissel

The dead and resurrected schemes of President Biden’s Education Department to cancel student debt are like horror films.
ICYMI: 6 Highlights of Trump’s Debate-Disrupting Interview With Tucker Carlson
By Fred Lucas

Trump discusses Jeffrey Epstein's death, whether Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams should be indicted, and whether he fears a civil war.

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