Last night’s Republican presidential debate again showed that no matter who wins that primary the American people lose.
Though the debate moderators didn’t ask about Social Security or Medicare, former Vice President Mike Pence made a point of telling potential voters that he viewed Social Security and Medicare as “sacred cows” that he was dead set on slaughtering. And none of the other candidates on stage made it a point to defend our earned benefits.
Disgraced former President Donald Trump wasn’t on stage, but remains the front-runner. Though he promised in 2016 not to cut Social Security or Medicare, as soon as he was sworn in he fought for the wholesale destruction of Medicare, and proposed cuts to Social Security every year—even going so far as to unilaterally defund both programs during the pandemic.
The debate made it clear: Destroying Social Security and Medicare are consensus Republican positions, barely worth mentioning.
Sign now: Tell Republicans HANDS OFF our Social Security system! No cuts, no increase of the retirement age.
Thank you,
Alex Lawson Social Security Works
Tell Republicans:
Presidential candidates Tim Scott, Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie and Nikki Haley have all publicly said they want to make today’s 30 and 40-year-olds retire later than their parents. And Donald Trump proposed cuts to Social Security every year he was President. These politicians want today’s young people to pay into Social Security their whole lives, and then accept less than our parents in retirement. Young people will not accept less than our parents got, and grandparents will not take a secure retirement away from our grandkids. We will NOT raise the retirement age!
As a grandparent, I am sick and tired of Republican politicians trying to make my grandkids work until they die.
Our Social Security system was built over nearly a century, brick by brick, always getting stronger. These greedy politicians want to weaken it and tear it down so that their wealthy Wall Street donors don’t have to pay another dime.
These cynical politicians think seniors won’t care if they screw over the coming generations as long as they promise not to touch our benefits. It’s time to show them how wrong they are.
We’re proud to partner with the young organizers at Blue Future and others to send a clear message: Do NOT touch the retirement age!
When we say “Hands Off Our Social Security,” we don’t mean just for current beneficiaries. We mean every American who pays in to the system over a lifetime of hard work deserves their benefits, and those benefits cannot be cut. Social Security is a sacred promise, and no damn politician can break it.
Sign now: Hands off our Social Security!
In solidarity,
Nancy Altman President Social Security Works