As summer ’23 draws to a close, one thing becomes clear: the time to invest in 2024 is now. 

Early investments in infrastructure, technology, and organizing yield the greatest impact for our movement. And continual rapid advancements in AI strengthen the case for Democrats to utilize its potential to both defend and win.

At HGL, we have been heads-down accelerating our final cohort of companies before the 2024 presidential election. Chorus AI, CIVA, Daisychain, GoodChange, Oath, Relentless, Rep’d, and Social Currant are poised to make a significant difference this cycle and beyond. 

HGL6 kicked off in Chicago and we are excited to bring the founders to DC next month. Join us at our Accelerator New Tech Showcase on September 20th – we’d love to introduce you to HGL6 and see you there.

Read on below for:

  • Accelerator New Tech Showcase in DC
  • HGL6 Accelerator program kick-off in Chicago 
  • Hillary Lehr’s role transition 
  • HGL’s Political Tech Snapshots buyers’ guide for ‘23 and beyond 
  • The winners of the Netroots New Tools Showcase, cohosted by HGL & NMV
  • Portfolio highlights + jobs
HGL’s Accelerator New Tech Showcase in DC

On September 20th, join us in-person in DC for an afternoon showcasing the innovative companies from our sixth accelerator cohort, building tools to power progressive victories in 2024 and beyond. Invite your friends and colleagues:

RSVP now

The HGL6 founders will introduce themselves and share how their tools can benefit campaigns and progressive organizations. The showcase will be followed by a community happy hour. Thanks to our friends at Grassroots Analytics for their generous sponsorship!

HGL6 Accelerator kick-off

Our 2023 Accelerator program kicked off last month with four days in Chicago. Becky Pittman and Emily Wineland from HGL6 company GoodChange shared their experience:

“The connections and the shared desire to learn from and help each other are absolutely invaluable, and it’s an environment that doesn’t appear organically — it takes purposeful, intentional, and strategic development, all of which the HGL team excels at.”

Read the co-founders’ full recap.

HGL6 founders + HGL staff
HGL staff update 
After 4 years full-time at HGL, we are proud to share Hillary Lehr’s new role as CEO of Quiller, an AI company incubated in partnership between HGL and Authentic Campaigns. Her role at HGL transitions from Principal to Operating Partner. Congratulations, Hillary! 
HGL’s political tech buyers’ guide

HGL’s Political Tech Portfolio Snapshots is a buyers’ guide with at-a-glance, up-to-date information on our portfolio companies and products. This is your go-to purchasing guide for 2023 and beyond. 

Check it out and share it widely with progressive campaign professionals:

View HGL’s Snapshots Guide
Netroots New Tools Showcase 2023

We teamed up again with our friends at New Media Ventures to co-host the New Tools Showcase at Netroots Nation 2023 in Chicago. 

Here are the winners who came out on top, voted by the live audience:

  • Best New Tool: Daisychain | A modern platform for effective campaigns
  • Most Innovative Use of Existing Tech: Reprocare | Transforming reproductive health care for the most vulnerable women
  • Best New Feature/Product: Democratic Data Exchange | National real-time data sharing hub for progressive campaigns & organizations

Join us in congratulating the winners!

From left to right: HGL's Leah Bae, NMV's Phil Sanders, DDx's Tarah Marshall, Reprocare's Morgan Love-Dorji, Daisychain's Jon Warnow

Shoutout to all 12 finalists who were selected to pitch live including multiple HGL portfolio companies, as well as the amazing 60+ applicants.

Portfolio jobs + highlights

Some of the many impactful job opportunities across the HGL portfolio:

Quiller (2023) is an AI copilot that helps Democratic campaigns and allied organizations draft and deploy high quality, effective fundraising content. Apply to be their Chief Technology Officer.
Oath (HGL6) is a political advising platform that empowers Democratic donors to maximize their impact. Apply to be their Fullstack Engineer or Head of Growth.
Clipbook (HGL5) is a media intelligence company delivering actionable, automated media monitoring. Apply to be their Sales Representative or Customer Delivery Associate.
Grow Progress (HGL2) builds tools that help causes and companies persuade more people for good. Apply to be their Director of Sales.
Swayable (HGL2) measures how effectively media content changes opinions. Apply to be their Director of AI, Sales Director - Advocacy, Staff Engineer: AI & Scientific Computing, Research Data Scientist, or Marketing Manager
Gatheround (2018) enables remote teams to elevate their culture through interactive, inclusive video meetings. Apply to be their Account Executive.
BalloReady (HGL1) provides personalized, nonpartisan information to voters in all 50 states. Apply to be their Lead Data Architect.

Portfolio highlights:

Chorus AI (HGL6) is a new startup that turns every digital campaign staffer into a 10x digital organizer by increasing content production, keeping campaigns connected to the attention cycle and social graph, and optimizing creative for each member of a campaign audience. They’ve recently launched a closed beta and they're looking for digital campaigners, content creators, and strategists to try the tool. Sign up for their free closed beta.
Change Research (HGL2) just launched their new technology: Magnify AI Targeting. Enabled by AI and drawing on Change Research’s database of 250,000,000 survey data points, it uniquely allows you to translate your already-affordable Change Research poll into accurate custom models and targeting scores with as few as 500 respondents.  Check it out.
Enjoy our content? Follow us on LinkedIn for regular updates on political tech, innovations, and events and opportunities. See you there!
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