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“Climate change is a hoax.” That’s a real quote from last night’s first Republican debate in Milwaukee, where today schools are canceled because of record-breaking heat. It’d almost be comical if it weren’t so damn grave.

No, not every single Republican said climate change is a hoax. That was Vivek Ramaswamy. But when the moderators asked for a show of hands of how many candidates believe in human-caused climate change, not a single candidate raised their hand. 🙃

GOP Debate; Candidates do not raise their hand when asked if they believe in human-caused cliamte change

It’s possible that these clowns are so rich they were able to avoid the climate crisis all summer – from choking on wildfire smoke to the massive hurricane and flooding in California to seeing Maui in ashes. But what’s more likely is that they’re taking money from the oil and gas industry to ignore and profit from the climate crisis. The people who we wake up and fight against every single day.

Help Sunrisers continue the work of mobilizing millions of young people nationwide to fight back against Republicans and their fossil fuel industry funders by donating any amount to Sunrise PAC now — even just a few bucks.


ICYMI the debate, here are some of the other ideas Republicans have been kicking around:

These aren’t serious people. And most people see right through them: when Vivek called climate change a “hoax,” he was BOOED by the audience. Stopping the climate crisis is a winning issue and you can’t win without our generation. 

We are the generation of the Green New Deal. And together, we are stronger than all of these fascists. 

They might try to gut the Department of Education, but we will win a Green New Deal for Schools.

They might try to cut hundreds of thousands of good jobs, but we will win a Civilian Climate Corps.

They might try to deny the reality of the climate crisis, but we will organize millions of people across the country to fight for a Green New Deal. If you want to support Sunrisers in turning out the vote and fighting back against Republicans up and down the ballot, please consider donating to our Sunrise PAC electoral fund today.

In solidarity,

Sunrise PAC