Act for America Virginia State AlertTime to Fight for Parental Rights Again. At least five school districts are preparing to defy Virginia State Parental Rights Laws as parents are busy back-to-school shopping in preparation for a new school year. The counties of Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax, Prince William, and Virginia Beach are currently planning to maintain trans policies that allow intact biological boys to enter girls’ restrooms and locker rooms and prohibit parental notification when gender confused children (minors) entertain changing their gender identity and name on school grounds. Not On Our Watch!
Fact: 9 out of 10 gender confused children grow out of gender confusion, reverting to their biological sex before puberty! Can we allow the public school system to disrupt this natural process and potentially sentence MORE children to lifelong struggles with suicide, depression, hormone treatments, mutilations, and castrations due to their uninvited, catastrophic perceived interventions in the name of inclusion? The Left and radical Marxist LGBT activists are waging a war on words and definitions. Important Arguments to Embolden Parents Include: · Parental Rights and a Students Right to Privacy is NOT discrimination. · Gender Confusion and Parental Secrecy is NOT a ‘student’s right’, it’s a Marxist ploy to create division in traditional value households. · The public-school faculty is not qualified or authorized to judge how a parent guides their gender confused child. · It is a parent’s sole right to guide a gender confused child toward their biological sex, enter them into therapy, and avoid ‘gender affirming care’. Public school students are not wards of the state! They are minors under the sole legal guardianship of their parents. Some School Boards think that a parent’s rights are suspended on a public school campus. When a policy favors an extreme minority while cancelling the rights of the majority, that policy must be challenged. In light of the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, federal and state laws, and societal norms, it is clear that accommodation of children struggling with gender confusion must not infringe on the existing rights of all non-trans students.
Allowing the opposite biological sex to access bathrooms, locker rooms, and any changing areas has NEVER been legal or acceptable; It’s illegal OFF campus, so the law must consistently apply ON campus. Parents and the community must fight to protect children’s innocence. Imagine the damage done to K-12 children who are exposed to a nude child of the opposite sex. THIS is legally defined as ‘indecent exposure’. Worse yet, some daughters have been sexually assaulted and victims of attempted cover-ups by school districts. School Boards, Superintendents, and School Faculty are attempting to allow MINORS to make adult decisions and live secret lives on public school campus, making them very vulnerable to sexual exploitation, indoctrination and permanent, life altering ‘gender affirming care’. Every Virginian taxpayer should defend Parental Rights, fight for Universal School Choice, and VOTE OUT School Board Members that votes against parental rights! Elections Do Have Consequences! School board elections see as little as 3-7% voter participation, which can have a devastating impact on the community. Let’s call on all elected officials to stand up for Virginia’s Kids! Lawmakers proposed multiple bills in support of parental rights and school choice that failed to pass. Without your help and participation, Virginia kids remain underserved and unprotected. Let’s force our representatives to represent our values today! For: AL, AK, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TX, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY."Actions, not words, carve the path to a brighter future."For the price of a $5 cup a coffee a month, you can be a part of the movement to restore America’s greatness! Thank you for your support and participation! You're currently a free subscriber to Act for America. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |