August 2023
Ready to Go Back to School!
(click above to see the video montage)

Identity's Back to School Supply Drive was a great success
, thanks to the incredible volunteers and donors who joined together to make it happen.  These are some of the 950 students who are now ready to start school.
A new backpack full of new supplies, a handwritten note of encouragement and an in-person "welcome" from caring adults are especially meaningful for students whose connection to school is insecure or fragile, including youth who are new to the country and our system of education. Together we are investing in their success! 
Amigo Sponsor

Thank you to the Jewish Community Relations Council whose steadfast support over the last three years has mobilized donors and volunteers to help outfit over 2,300 students with new backpacks and age-appropriate school supplies. 
Amigo Sponsor

Thank you to the Bethesda-based Manhattan Strategy Group, whose MSG Cares Initiative supports Identity youth and families in many ways, including sponsoring the Backpack Drive, volunteering and writing notes of encouragement for students.
Thank You GHS

We are very grateful to Principal Cary Dimmick and the staff of Gaithersburg High School for graciously hosting our packing and distribution events for the past three summers. A special shout-out to building services!
Stein Sperling

Thank you to Stein Sperling for donating 100 backpacks full of supplies to Identity youth  from their own back-to-school initiative.  We also thank them for volunteering on Distribution Day and feeding our army of volunteers and staff! 
Notes of Encouragement

Thank you to the volunteers who wrote the notes of encouragement included in all 950 backpacks.  
And we appreciate....
  • The friends of Shirley Brandman (our Board Chair Emeritus) who donated 75 backpacks for elementary schoolers.
  • The Sullivan Family Charitable Foundation.
  • Volunteers from the JCRC, Citizen Heights Church, Unitarian Universalist Church of Rockville, Women Who Care, the Giving Circle, and other friends of Identity. 
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