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Thursday, August 24th, 2023


Battle for Strategic Resources in Africa

Doug Casey

‘On Stupidity’

John Leake

Increasing Heart Attacks in Young Athletes

Dr. Joseph Mercola

BRICS Nations Will Blunt Western Dominance

Peter Schiff

Viruses: Man-Made for Big Pharma Vaccine Profits?

Helena Glass

Fear Is Why People Obey Democrats so More Fear Is on the Way

Ben Armstrong

The ‘Mappa Mundi’: the Unique Latin Immersion Program at Wyoming Catholic

Julian Kwasniewksi

More Covid Vaccination Means More Death and Injury

Paul Craig Roberts

In a World Ruled by Propaganda, a Sane Worldview Will Necessarily Be a Fringe Worldview

Caitlin Johnstone

‘Evidence-Based PolicyActions’ Paper Addresses Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Catastrophe

Suzan Mazur

Madness: American Satirist C.J. Hopkins Sentenced in German Speech Case

Matt Taibbi

If I Interviewed Trump About Covid…

Justin Hart

Political Theatre

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