but tonight’s chaos was inexcusable.

Sorry for the late email, John.

But tonight gave us a glimpse into the exact future CADEM is fighting hard to avoid:

🟠 Out-of-touch Republicans were spouting lies on national TV.
🟠 Trump was clamoring for attention with a delusional pre-taped interview.
🟠 Rumors were spreading of Trump’s impending surrender to police over his latest criminal indictment.

LOOK: Today’s Republicans are not the kind of people I want running a lemonade stand, let alone our government.

LUCKILY: Just five seats separate Democrats from taking back the House and crushing the GOP’s dangerous momentum – and we’re already targeting SEVEN GOP-held seats in California alone!

We CAN make sure the chaos of the Trump years stays in the past, John. But to keep Republicans out of office in California and Washington, we need to start investing right now. Can I count on you to chip in $5 now to help CADEM elect California Democrats next fall?

CHIP IN $5 >>

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Together, let’s do this!


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