URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Big Oil is exploiting the Arctic for profit and putting polar bears in danger! Act now! >>
Friend, it’s no secret that the Arctic is in serious danger. It’s already warming TWICE as fast as the rest of the world. And its wildlife is suffering the worst impacts of human-driven climate change.
There’s no denying how serious this is: Experts believe the entire Arctic region could be ice-free within the next 31 years!
But Big Polluters are still ravaging the land for profit. Drilling and fracking are increasing the rate of global warming. These activities also pollute the area. And Big Oil’s equipment is running over and burying vulnerable polar bears! It’s past time for accountability, Friend: take urgent action today and add your name to tell the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to END increased oil and gas activity in the Arctic! >>
Legally, Big Oil is required to avoid known polar bear denning sites by at least one mile while drilling in the Arctic. But recent studies have shown that the technology used to detect dens has MAJOR ACCURACY ERRORS. That means mama polar bears and cubs beneath the snow’s surface could be RUN OVER and KILLED without a second thought.
The damage doesn’t end with polar bears, Friend. With more drilling comes noise pollution and toxic greenhouse gas emissions. These side effects impact the entire landscape. And nearby residents are left to suffer the consequences -- including increased risk of oil spills that could destroy the fragile ecosystems that local communities rely on for survival.
But the Biden Administration recently approved a rule permitting even more oil and drilling activity in the Arctic. We have to put an end to this pattern NOW -- before any more polar bears die and more communities are put in danger. Please, Friend -- Raise your voice now and tell the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: no more drilling in the Arctic! >>
Thank you for your urgent action,
Friends of the Earth