Dr. Al Gross is not only a commercial fisherman, an orthopedic surgeon, and lifelong Alaskan, but he was also a classmate of mine during college.

Chris Coons
Washington Examiner

"Alaska seat suddenly at risk as GOP battles to hold the Senate"

Dear John,

Dr. Al Gross is not only a commercial fisherman, an orthopedic surgeon, and lifelong Alaskan, but he was also a classmate of mine during college.

I've known Al for a long time. That's why I was happy to see him announce his candidacy for U.S. Senate in Alaska. He's a different kind of candidate, and I know he has what it takes to win.

If we want the Republicans to lose control of the Senate in 2020, we need to make sure Al has the resources he needs to defeat his Republican opponent in November and end Mitch McConnell's tenure as majority leader.

Will you join me in supporting my friend Al Gross' campaign for Senate in Alaska? Chip in $5 or more today.

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Al may be an Independent, but he's been endorsed by Alaska's Democratic Party and has a real shot at winning. Al outraised his opponent, and now Republicans are concerned that they could lose this seat.

In the Senate, Al will fight to expand healthcare, protect the environment, and take on corruption in Washington. But he needs our help to defeat his Republican opponent and Mitch McConnell's allies.

Contribute $5 or more today to help my friend Al Gross win in Alaska and help end the era of McConnell leadership.

Thank you,



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