Friend --

Earlier this month, a legislator in Alabama proposed a bill that would regulate men's reproductive health, requiring men over the age of 50 (or after they've had their third child) to get a vasectomy. It seems totally outrageous and absolutely out of government's privy, right?

Exactly, that's the point!

The government has no place restricting reproductive freedom or legislating our personal lives -- whether it's a vasectomy, birth control, or abortion care. Which is why we're fighting tooth and nail to protect reproductive rights for all Americans at every level.

But here's a fact: Republicans have been fighting to restrict reproductive rights for decades, and the only thing that's stopping them is good people fighting for what's right.

So, Friend, will you sign our petition and commit to fighting for reproductive freedom for all Americans? Make no mistake, reproductive freedom is under attack, even now.

Just last month, Joni Ernst and congressional Republicans signed a letter asking the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. And Iowa Republican leaders are working on changing our state constitution to restrict our rights.

We believe that the government has no place inserting itself in a conversation between families, people, and their doctors.

We must all be afforded the right to complete reproductive autonomy. Thanks to the advocates that have come before us, we still can -- but not if Joni Ernst and Republicans have their way. That's why we need to be the next generation of advocates. We need to speak up for what is right.

And right now, we need you. Will you commit to fighting for reproductive freedom? Thank you,

Team Mauro

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P.O. Box 21099
Des Moines, IA 50321