To help us all prepare for what is surely to be a memorable “debate,” we’ve come up with this helpful tongue-in-cheek survival guide.

Whether it’s because we can’t help ourselves even though we know it won’t be good for our blood pressure, or because we want to stay informed, many of us are going to find ourselves tuning in to the first Republican presidential primary debate tonight.
To help us all prepare for what is surely to be a memorable “debate,” we’ve come up with this helpful tongue-in-cheek survival guide.
- Step 1: Prior to settling down for the debate, make sure to have your favorite drink and comfort food within easy reach. You don’t want to find yourself in need of immediate self-soothing without supplies at the ready.
- Step 2: Surround yourself with soft objects. Should you find yourself reaching to fling something at your TV, smart device, or radio, you don’t want to cause damage to those objects. Throwing a pillow is acceptable. Your favorite drink cup—not so much.
- Step 3: Confirm a like-minded friend or other loved one is available for emotional support. The “did you hear that?!” “can you believe it!?!” and other such in-the-moment confirmation and affirmation should you need reminding that the things being said are in fact outrageous, likely untrue, and go against everything we stand for in fighting to protect and strengthen the American Way.
- Remember: there IS another option. This is just one side debating amongst itself – making extremist attacks against vulnerable communities. But there are millions more of us who are on the side of Truth, Justice, and the American Way and our voices will be heard in the months ahead.
- Join us! Here at People For, we are fighting every day to make sure that our politicians and those in positions of power are held to the highest standards, that all Americans’ voices and votes are heard and counted, and that we live in a just and fair society. This work is more essential than ever as this next election season begins in earnest and we fight for real solutions that will help us bring about “an America as good as its promise.”
In all seriousness, we thank you for being a part of our community and for joining us for what is likely to be a demanding campaign cycle — but one that will forever change the trajectory of our nation.
— People For the American Way