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The Commonwealth Fund Annual Report Is Here


2018 was a special year for the Commonwealth Fund: the foundation started by Anna Harkness as World War I was ending celebrated its centennial. In our 2018 Annual Report, you can learn about the Fund’s recent efforts to fulfill its enduring mission of advancing access to high-quality, affordable health care for all.

Inside you’ll find:

  • A special message from President David Blumenthal, M.D., who says the nation is “at a historic juncture in the national conversation about what kind of health care system we want.”
  • “The Year in Numbers,” with highlights from Fund research on the drivers of U.S. prescription drug costs, the state of health insurance coverage, the impact of Medicaid work requirements, the challenges low-income patients face, and much more.
  • Transitions in the foundation’s leadership and staff.
  • The Commonwealth Fund’s financial performance and grantmaking in 2018.
View the Annual Report
Affordable, quality health care. For everyone.
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2019 © The Commonwealth Fund

THE COMMONWEALTH FUND | One E 75th St, New York, NY 10021 United States | Phone: 212.606.3800