
Last week, we sent out a survey gauging the Operation 147 community’s thoughts on President Biden’s stewardship of the economy.

Here’s how the results broke down:

The economy will either improve a little or a lot: 78%
Biden is either doing a good or great job at managing the economy: 96%

We’re excited to see so many of our supporters with an optimistic outlook for the economy. We agree. President Biden has presided over strong job growth, falling inflation, and historic infrastructure investment.

Last time we wrote to you about the old political saying. “It’s the economy, stupid.” Today we’re focused on another classic truism: “All politics is local.”

Here’s why this one is important: we now have an overall sense of what our community thinks about our nation’s economy. But we’re looking to win back individual Congressional races in order to win back the House. And that means we need a look at the economic conditions in your district.

We want to hear from you. Tell us why you’re confident that the economy will continue to strengthen under Biden and House Democrats where you live.


table showing Republican held congressional districts where Biden won

Thank you for sharing your story with us.

-Operation 147




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