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Will you add your name to denounce the Republican anti-voter candidates who are taking the stage in tonight’s first debate?


The first debate of the 2024 presidential election cycle is tonight.

We don’t know exactly what the crowded field of Republican candidates will discuss, but we expect that they’ll cover a range of issues — from healthcare access to foreign policy to the future of our democracy. And when it comes to our democracy, these Republican candidates have proven records of working to attack it — and silence the voices of voters.

Here’s just a glimpse of the Republican candidates’ harmful records of restricting access to the ballot and the freedom to vote:

Mike Pence chaired a commission to wrongfully target the alleged 'millions' of 'illegal immigrants' Trump falsely claimed voted in 2016, and asserted without any evidence that the 2020 election had “significant irregularities.” Nikki Haley designed a voter ID law as Gov. of South Carolina that was so burdensome the DOJ temporarily blocked it, supported Georgia’s egregious voter suppression law SB 202, and campaigned for MAGA election-deniers in 2022. Ron DeSantis signed five extreme voter suppression laws as Gov. of Florida — multiple of which have been challenged in court, spearheaded a gerrymandering effort to disenfranchise Black voters, and dismissed the insurrection as a 'protest.'

Through these actions and more, the Republican presidential candidates have inflicted immeasurable harm on our democracy — and now they’re running for the highest office in the country.

Add your name to show that you oppose these Republican candidates’ harmful anti-voter records, and you support Fair Fight’s efforts to stop voter-suppressors like them from getting elected.


Our democracy isn’t up for debate,

The Fair Fight Team