"How do you stay calm while liberals rant
and rage?"
Dear John xxxxxx,
When you see TFP volunteers debating liberals on
campus, you wonder:
“How do they stay so calm under fire?”
Well, the calm comes from years of training at the TFP-run Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Institute.
With this methodical formation and
special training, TFP volunteers thrive under the pressure of intense debates.
But now, these young men at the TFP Institute need your help to keep fighting for traditional
values on college campuses.
Can you help me train a new class of young men like Miguel?
Please help Miguel with your $22 gift today!
Miguel is from Texas.
He has witnessed the brokenness, vulgarity, and faithlessness of today’s youth. So many among his generation have
no respect for God. But
Miguel realized he couldn’t just stand by and watch silently. Because if he did nothing, he too would be responsible for the sin of
indifference. Miguel
asked me if he could join the TFP Seat of Wisdom Institute. He knows that here, he will receive the solid Catholic formation he needs to fight
liberalism and the culture of death.
I was happy with Miguel’s request and accepted him.
However, I knew that saying “yes” would come at a price. The cost to educate Miguel is $660 per
month. This includes room and board, formal classes, and mentorship.
However, I’ll need kind souls like you to keep him in the program.
A special gift of $660 will sponsor Miguel for a full month.
Thankfully, Miguel is not alone.
Eight other promising young men have
also enrolled in the TFP Seat of Wisdom Institute with a burning desire to defend God’s law.
At Seat of Wisdom, the students will attend in-depth classes, all geared
towards preparing them for the moral and spiritual battles that await them.
For example, their history class outlines the origins of today’s crisis, enabling them to
attack it at the root. In
religion class, the students discuss Church teaching on various moral issues, preparing them to refute the lies of the Catholic left.
The young men have apologetics and
debate class too where they learn how to refute and dismantle liberal errors on college campuses like “my body, my choice.”
As you can see, these young men
will be equipped with everything they need to take their convictions to the streets. That is, almost everything.
Training these young men is a costly undertaking. As I
mentioned, the cost to educate one student per month is $660. And if I don’t raise enough funds, I might be forced to cancel some classes.
But here’s what your gift
can do: -- With $22, you
sponsor Miguel for one day. -- With $127, you sponsor books for the Institute.
-- With $310, you send a team of TFP volunteers to one campus.
-- With $660, you can sponsor Miguel for one full month. To help Miguel, click
These young men have not stopped thanking me for the opportunity to study at the TFP Institute.
You see, they realize that if they want to overcome the growing
influence of the pro-homosexual lobby on campuses, they need to receive the solid formation Seat of Wisdom has to offer.
What makes their desire so noble is their enthusiasm
for the good, true, and beautiful.
They want to serve God.
What a refreshing contrast to the attitude of today’s youth that just want
to party! They WANT to defend traditional values on the streets. They WANT to expose
Satan’s lies. They WANT to establish a truly Christian civilization.
And they know the training they receive at the Institute will prepare them to do precisely this.
After they complete their studies, our young crusaders will be able to confront and overcome God’s enemies.
In short, these boys are giving up everything to be -- very
often -- the ONLY young voices proclaiming God’s law in the public square.
All they need from you and me is financial support to fund their education so they can toughen
their spiritual life and help save more souls.
If they don’t get help, I might have to put their holy endeavors on hold. Such a tragedy would crush their spirits!
So please consider chipping in if you
The program starts on August 24, 2023.
At this point, I don’t think I’ll make it. However, with your help, these upright young men will be able to
receive the formation they need at the TFP-run Seat of Wisdom Institute.
Once again,
-- With $22, you sponsor Miguel for one day. -- With
$127, you sponsor books for the Institute. -- With $310, you send a team of TFP
volunteers to one campus. -- With $660, you can sponsor Miguel for one full month.
Anything you give will make a
huge difference! Click here to help.
Remember, America’s future lies in the hands of
today’s youth. If we refuse to support those trying to change the world for the better, the world will inevitably change for the worse.
Please don’t miss this
opportunity to join the fight against evil and help these young men make a difference!
Thank you for your help and especially your prayers!
God bless you.