Dear John,


Momentum is picking up for a major national demonstration in D.C. to commemorate MLK's 1963 march. 40 people have signed up so far to join our CPUSA and YCL contingent. Will you join us?


The march and demonstration will take place on Saturday, August 26th, marking the 60th anniversary of the original “March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.” Here is a list of bus departure times and locations, should you need it for getting to and from D.C.


The event has been endorsed by important sections of the civil rights and labor movement, and the CPUSA National Board is calling on the party and its clubs to participate. This will be the first national demonstration since the Supreme Court outlawed affirmative action. Here's a PW story on the upcoming action.


Truth is, the organizers started late. It's only recently that the march has gained traction. The lateness of the hour, however, shouldn't deter us from participating. For us, the issue should be what MLK called the "fierce urgency of now." Our approach can't be routine or business-as-usual, but to join in as best we're able. Please let comrades in your area know that we intend to have a presence and urge folks to attend.


We will contact you soon regarding where and when to meet in D.C. on the 26th. Click here to let us know you're coming.


See you at the march,


Rossana and Joe

Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email : [email protected]

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