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Hello everyone, 

Ahead of this evening’s debate, we wanted to flag some key resources and guidance on all the Biden-Harris administration has done for the communities that make up the Democratic Party. Below you will find toplines on the campaign’s and DNC’s engagement around the debate and where we will be responding online. 

The DNC Coalitions and Community Engagement Team


Team-Biden Harris Holding Republicans Accountable During First Debate

  • Team Biden-Harris will have a robust rapid response strategy for the first GOP debate - which will hold Republicans’ accountable and highlight the contrast between their extreme agenda and President Biden and Vice President Harris’ agenda of growing the economy from the bottom up and middle out and protecting American democracy and freedoms. 

  • This weekend, the campaign announced a historic $25 million ad buy that will highlight the president’s economic accomplishments and reach voters across the country and in key battleground states – including the largest, earliest investment in Hispanic and African American media for a reelection in history.

  • This ad buy is both the largest and earliest media buy for a reelection campaign into constituency media ever, as well as the largest overall buy for a reelection campaign at this point in time ever, ensuring that President Biden’s message is heard throughout this year’s Republican primary.

    • Watch “Fought Back” HERE,

    • Watch “First Day” HERE,

    • Watch “Nosotros” HERE and,

    • Watch  “It’s Us” HERE.

  • Officials, including Biden-Harris campaign co- chair Cedric Richmond and DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, will be on the ground in Milwaukee this week to meet with local leaders and key constituencies, while an aggressive war room run jointly by the Biden-Harris campaign and the DNC out of Washington will hold Republican candidates accountable for the extreme MAGA views they espouse from the debate stage.

Biden-Harris 2024 Launches New Wisconsin Ad Ahead of RNC Debate

Today, Biden-Harris 2024 is announcing its first state-specific ad in Wisconsin ahead of the first Republican debate. As Republicans head to the debate stage to spotlight their out of touch and extreme views, President Biden’s reelection campaign is focused on highlighting how his agenda is creating good-paying jobs right in Wisconsin. 

The ad features Kilah Engelke, a cement mason by trade and a mother of two based in Milwaukee, who speaks firsthand about how President Biden’s economic legislation is making life better and increasing wages for working families like hers. The new ad is slated to begin running on Wednesday ahead of the RNC debate in the Milwaukee market. Watch “Catch a Break” HERE.

Twitter Accounts to Follow Debate Night

Julie Chavez Rodriguez - Biden-Harris Campaign Manager. @JulieR2022

Quentin Fulks - Biden-Harris Principal Deputy Campaign Manager, @quentinfulks

Kevin Munoz - Biden-Harris Campaign Spokesperson,@munozka315

DNC, @TheDemocrats 

DNC War Room, @DNCWarRoom

Jaime Harrison - Chair, DNC, @harrisonjaime

Sam Cornale - Executive Director, DNC, @samcornale

Ammar Moussa - DNC National Press Secretary and Rapid Response Director, @ammarmufasa

Brooke Goren - DNC Deputy Communications Director, @BrookeGoren

Maca Casado - DNC Hispanic Media Director and Spokesperson, @casadomaca

DNC Hispanic Caucus, @DNC_Latinos

Tracy King - DNC Director of Outreach Communications, @tracyfking 

Rhyan Lake - DNC Director of State Communications, @rhyanlake

DNC Native Caucus, @DNCNatives

Wisconsin Democrats, @WisDems

Ben Wikler - Chair, Democratic Party of Wisconsin, @benwikler

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