Dear John,

Our panel and training submission period is still open until the end of this week. Do you have questions about the process or want to get feedback on an idea?

We're hosting a webinar tomorrow at 3pm ET to go over tips and guidelines and give you time to ask questions. Want to join? Click here to sign up!

Thinking about submitting a training? As always, we'll cover topics like basic and advanced online organizing, testing and optimization, communications and grassroots campaigns. And we’re especially looking for trainings that help newer activists grow into successful organizers and advanced sessions that focus on cutting-edge tools and techniques. We also want to make sure we offer trainings that recognize the needs of those working at organizations with different capacities and budgets.

If you're looking to submit a panel, here are a few things we’re looking to emphasize this year:
  • Strategic conversations about how we'll work together as a movement to win in 2020, from local races to the White House
  • Sessions about how to govern and enact progressive policies after we've won
  • Content on how we will maintain a healthy, inclusive and sustainable movement that centers those closest to injustice
  • Panels focusing on the intersections of racism and electoral justice, environmental justice/climate change and disability justice

Already know what you want to submit? Just click here to get started and submit your idea before the submission period ends this Friday, February 28.

Want to join our webinar tomorrow? Just click here to sign up.

Can't wait to see your proposals!
Mary Rickles
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