Inslee and his fellow Democrats’ cap-and-tax experiment has gone off the rails. It has failed – and they know it.
Shift Washington
If you’re anything like us, you’ve felt the impact of sky-high gas prices in our state. Marching above $5 per gallon, our state now has the highest gas and carbon taxes in the nation. And it’s all thanks to Governor Jay Inslee’s terrible cap-and-tax policies.
Inslee and his fellow Democrats’ cap-and-tax experiment has gone off the rails. It has failed – and they know it. But, Inslee and other Democrats have spent most of the summer insisting that the sky-high gas prices are not linked to the cap-and-tax law they jammed through. 
Of course, that’s not true.
Consider that since Inslee’s cap-and-tax kicked off at the start of the year, Washington has already blown past the price cap set by his “experts” at the Department of Ecology. That mistake led to a sudden emergency auction earlier this month to stop the trainwreck - something that not even California has had to do in its 10 years of experimenting with a cap-and-tax law. 
The emergency auction was a clear sign that Inslee’s scheme is failing epically – and it should not be ignored.
We here at Shift WA are determined to ensure that such liberal policy failures are not ignored – and that people understand why their gas prices are so high. Your support is what keeps us going, allowing us to expose the Democrats’ ongoing failures. Will you help by contributing just $5, $10, or $20 today?  
At Shift WA, we bring you the stories other media outlets will not touch. We’re working on shifting the debate in our state on the issues that matter to communities across our state. But we need your help.
With summer winding down and the elections gearing up for the sprint to November, we’ll need all the support we can get. Please consider contributing today.
Thank you,
The Shift WA team