Hi John,

Last week, Will sent around a petition asking you to sign your name in support of banning members of Congress from banning stocks.

Politicians elected to represent us – including Democrats and Republicans – are playing by a different set of rules and trading stocks based on insider knowledge. And it’s all perfectly legal.

Will is fighting to change that. If elected, he’ll work to restore the public's trust in our institutions by voting to ban members of Congress from trading stocks. Our elected representatives need to put people ahead of their portfolios. Period.

It looks like we’re still missing your signature, so if you’re with Will, can you add your name in support of banning members of Congress from trading stocks?

Name: John
Email: [email protected]
Signature: Not Recorded

We’re attaching Will’s original email below, so give it a read and don’t forget to add your name to the petition!

- Rollins HQ



Members of Congress should not be allowed to trade stocks while holding office.

This shouldn't be controversial, and yet every week it seems another story breaks about members engaging in questionable practices related to stock trading. ⬇️

Congress has a stock trading problem, and the reality is that it’s an issue for both parties. A 2022 New York Times report revealed that over half of U.S. House members owned stock, and upwards of 97 reported trades that could have overlapped with their legislative committee work. 

The rest of us would be sent to jail for something as corrupt as insider trading. Not only are some politicians getting rich off inside knowledge, as it stands, the practice is perfectly legal. That has to change. 

If elected, I’ll vote to ban members of Congress from trading stocks. Not only would this go a long way in restoring the public trust, it would ensure that politicians aren’t putting their own personal portfolios ahead of the people they’re elected to serve.

If you’re with me, sign your name in support of banning members of Congress from trading stocks.


Thanks for signing, 
