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Yesterday, State Affairs ran an article on why “Rural Indiana is struggling the most” and how candidates for governor plan to solve it.

It won’t surprise you that we’re the only campaign with a plan to save our small towns.

But we don’t just have a plan: we’re already rebuilding a small town - my mom’s hometown in Van Wert, OH.

We can rebuild small towns all over Indiana with that same playbook.

This quote nails it:

“Doden has centered his campaign around redevelopment. His goal is to continue dedicating economic development dollars to regional initiatives, as well as to set aside $100 million worth of yearly grants for revitalizing rural communities with 30,000 people or less. . .

Doden’s plan is based on his work in Van Wert, Ohio — his mom’s hometown of roughly 11,000 people. His company Pago USA instructed local community leaders to purchase dozens of dilapidated downtown buildings and restore them. The first phase of 10 will be completed this fall and include space for businesses as well as 38 new apartments.

We need leaders who get things done, not politicians who are all talk and no walk.

The status quo isn’t enough: we can't let our communities suffer from more decline and neglect.

It’s time to save our hometowns and our Main Streets.

Let’s try that in a small town.

Eric Doden


Go Deeper: Read my full plan to rebuild Indiana’s Main Streets and save our small towns.


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