
I know firsthand how hard it can be for survivors to restore what traffickers stole: control over our own lives.

This is why I’m proudly serving as director of the new Polaris Resilience Fund.

The Resilience Fund provides cash assistance to help sex- and labor-trafficking survivors start rebuilding — expanding the direct support Polaris offers to victims and survivors. And it needs your support.

Will you give today? You can help deliver payments to the Fund’s very first recipients this fall!

And until August 31, a match will DOUBLE your impact. Every $1 you give becomes $2 to help meet survivors’ urgent needs.


You can feel great about giving, knowing the Resilience Fund will help survivors right now — while we continue working on the deeper, long-term system changes that will ultimately end trafficking. 

Your gift can help:

  • Provide individual survivors up to $500/month, for up to 18 months, to meet their most urgent needs.
  • Support survivors by removing barriers to a fresh start, such as bad credit and criminal records resulting from their trafficking.
  • Reduce human trafficking by supporting survivors who are most vulnerable to re-trafficking.

We know this about ending trafficking:

Social overhaul and systems reform happen slowly. Policies and laws take time to change. Broken systems take time to fix or rebuild. That work continues every day.

Meanwhile, survivors need your support TODAY to meet immediate needs and rebuild their lives. While the Resilience Fund won’t be a silver bullet — it can’t alone end trafficking — it’s a bridge to stability and lasting freedom.

Survivors are endlessly resilient and courageous ... I hope you’ll accept my invitation to become a true ally with your gift.

Thank you,
Megan Lundstrom, Polaris

P.S. Match deadline is August 31! Your gift will be DOUBLED, doing twice as much to help survivors meet urgent needs.

Will you make freedom happen now?
Make a Gift Today
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Copyright ©2023 Polaris is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
P.O. Box 65323, Washington, D.C. 20035


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