I just wanted to make sure you saw the huge news: After losing to Lauren Boebert by just 546 votes last year, a brand-new poll now shows me LEADING Boebert by 2 points in our 2024 rematch!


I just wanted to make sure you saw the huge news: After losing to Lauren Boebert by just 546 votes last year, a brand-new poll now shows me LEADING Boebert by 2 points in our 2024 rematch!

If you’re still ready to send Lauren Boebert packing, then please, chip in $5 or more right now to my campaign and help me defeat Boebert once and for all in 2024.

We’ve had Lauren Boebert on the ropes for the last few months. After our race was the closest in the entire country in 2022, we started out-raising her with help from grassroots donors like you. That’s how we were able to take the lead – because of you.

But we can’t celebrate yet. There is still a lot of time between now and Election Day, and one thing is certain: Lauren Boebert’s Super PACs are going to spend millions – maybe even tens of millions – of dollars to try to stop us.

If we don’t have the resources to counter their lies, we could lose our lead – and our one and only chance to defeat Lauren Boebert…

That’s why I’m personally asking: Will you give $5 or more right now to my campaign – every dollar you can afford to spare – to make sure I have the resources to finally kick Lauren Boebert out of Congress in 2024?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

There is too much at stake in this race – and your donation today could mean the difference between winning and coming up just short once again.

I want you to know how thankful I am to you. Your support means the world.

With gratitude -