From Eagle Forum INSIGHTS <[email protected]>
Subject Actual American Cities Plan for No Meat, No Dairy, and No Private Vehicles in Seven Years
Date August 23, 2023 2:49 PM
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** Editor's Note:

As Evita Duffy-Alfonso ([link removed]) reports, it is one thing to listen to climate change fanatics' fantasies about living in a world free of SUVs, meat, and light bulbs that provide light. It is something completely different to discover that fourteen American cities are actually going down this path over the next seven years. Does it make sense? Of course not, but when does extreme ideology ever make sense? Is the fanaticism dangerous? It absolutely is, for all of us. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
These 14 American Cities Have A ‘Target’ Of Banning Meat, Dairy, And Private Vehicles By 2030
August 23, 2023

Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” which has an “ambitious target” by the year 2030 of “0 kg [of] meat consumption,” “0 kg [of] dairy consumption,” “3 new clothing items per person per year,” “0 private vehicles” owned, and “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.”
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