Justice Democrats

John, this is incredible!

The naysayers in Washington have doubted Bernie’s campaign for over a year.

In a diverse electorate that looks the most like Super Tuesday states, Democrats in Nevada chose Bernie Sanders as their candidate to defeat Donald Trump. It’s clear that the Democratic voters with the most energy behind them look a lot more like AOC than Joe Biden.

We’re thinking that President Bernie has a nice ring to it.

But right now, a majority of Democrats in Congress don’t agree with many parts of Bernie’s platform. We need to change that by electing diverse, working-class leaders who will fight for the communities.

The first Justice Democrats are up for election in competitive primaries in less than 10 days. We need your help if we’re going to grow the Squad in Congress and help our next president pass transformational policies.

Can you make a $3 donation right now? After Bernie’s big win Saturday night, we need to win our upcoming primaries.

Contribute $3

We are damn close to one of the biggest progressive victories we’ve had in decades. Imagine what a Bernie presidency would mean for the people of this country.

Make a contribution to JD today to say that you’re ready for a new progressive era and help us fight for that future.

Together we are building a multi-generational, multi-racial, multi-class, multi-gender movement that will transform our political system. With you on our side, we know we have what it takes to fight for real change.

In solidarity,

Justice Democrats