Judicial Watch announced today it received six pages of records
from the FBI showing that in June, 2017, a month after FBI Director James
Comey was fired by President Donald Trump, FBI agents visited his home and
collected “as evidence” four memos that allegedly detail conversations
he had with President Trump…
Because no one is above
the law! |
Aug 05, 2019 |
Today's Top Stories
New Docs Show FBI Agents Went To Comey’s Home to
Retrieve Memos
Judicial Watch announced today it
received six pages of records from the FBI showing that in June, 2017, a
month after FBI Director James Comey was fired by President Donald Trump,
FBI agents visited his home and collected “as evidence” four memos that
allegedly detail conversations he had with President Trump…
‘302’ notes on Bruce Ohr interviews set for release
Washington Examiner
Justice Department will soon release the notes from a dozen FBI interviews
with Bruce Ohr, the DOJ official who met with dossier author British ex-spy
Christopher Steele numerous times, including after the FBI had cut him off
as a source due to improper leaks to the media…
Comey shouldn't get a pass for
stealing and leaking @RealDonaldTrump 's classified FBI files.
9:37 AM - 4 Aug 2019
The personal and political hatred
behind Comey’s smears of @RealDonaldTrump helps explain Comey's #Spygate
and other misconduct targeting Trump (while protecting Clinton).
9:53 AM - 5 Aug 2019
Keep our investigators on the job uncovering the truth: