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TBR History Article - Gypsy Holocaust: Fact or Fiction?  You Be the Judge 

Scholars question the existence of a “general” plan for “the final solution of the Gypsy question” based on the nature of their race. So-called pure Gypsies in Germany were exempted from deportations to the east. Also, sedentary Gypsies in German-occupied territories were left unharmed. But according to recent findings, there was no genocide of Europe’s Gypsies. The German National Socialists did not intend to kill all or even part of the Gypsy population within their reach. So why has a “Gypsy holocaust” monument, commemorating the alleged death of 500,000 Gypsies, recently been erected and dedicated with much fanfare in Berlin? Read what Revisionist Santiago Alvarez has to say about the subject, and tell us if you agree .  

By Santiago Alvarez


Based on a news release by the British news agency Reuters, the Jewish periodical


Headlined on October 25, 2012: “Memorial to ‘Forgotten’ Holocaust Opens in Germany. 500,000 Gypsies Also Slaughtered by Nazis.”


Already six days earlier, the German daily

Berliner Morgenpost had written that the new memorial was to be opened on Oct. 24 by both Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and the country’s formal first man in charge, Federal President Joachim Gauck. It is a rare thing to see both heads of state appear on such an occasion, hence public attention was accordingly intense.

But what about the claim of 500,000 Gypsies allegedly murdered by National Socialist Germany? Is that correct at all?

Numbers are important weapons in the psychological war that is being waged not only against the German people but also against anybody not submissive to lobby groups enforcing political correctness in an attempt to further their agendas. It is a fact that there is no basis for the claimed number of 500,000 Gypsy victims, and that’s not a mere contention:


1. In a paper bearing the title “Against Two Legends on the Holocaust,” German mainstream historian Prof. Dr. Eberhard Jäckel, a major opponent of Revisionism, wrote the following some 12 years ago in Germany’s most prestigious daily newspaper:

“The conclusion is that the historical concept of the Central Council of German Sintis and Rromas [the two largest Gypsy tribes] contradict the level of knowledge of international science. This is also true for the numbers.

. . . It is certain to say that already as early as 1972 the highest estimates [of the Gypsy death toll under National Socialist rule] were far lower than the number repeatedly claimed by the Central Council of German Sintis and Rromas [=500,000]. It is to be hoped that the Central Council finally quits its struggle against science and against historical truth.”


2. Guenter Lewy, professor emeritus of political science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, writes in his book

The Nazi Persecution of the Gypsies

(Oxford University Press, 2000) on p. 222: “No sources or breakdown by country have been provided for this estimate [500,000 Gypsy victims], which renders it of questionable value.”

On p. 225 he states: “Most important, no overall plan for the extermination of the Gypsy people was ever formulated, and as argued above, the evidence shows that none was implemented.”

On p. 227 he argues: “The assertion that half a million Gypsies died under Nazi rule is put forth regularly without any kind of substantiating evidence.”

And finally, Prof. Lewy has this to say on p. 228: “Simplified accounts according to which Gypsies . . . were persecuted and annihilated simply and solely on account of their biological existence are not only a distortion of the historical record but also a hindrance to progress in the relationship between Gypsies and non-Gypsies.”

3. In 1989, German mainstream historian Michael Zimmermann published the most thorough study on the fate of the Gypsies yet.

While in progress, Zimmermann’s research was commented as followed by the German leftist newspaper

Frankfurter Rundschau:

“Only through an extensive study of documents was it possible to discover that the number of the murdered Sintis and Rromas obviously lies well below that officially claimed: 50,000 instead of 500,000 murdered.”

And that’s just the beginning. Now let’s turn an eye to some really critical researchers, who don’t have an agenda like Jäckel and his ilk who aren’t interested in truth either but who merely have an interest in granting the genocidal victim status to Jews only, or so the jealous Gypsies claim.

Statistical Overview


Dr. Otward Müller has shown in his paper “Sinti and Rroma—Yarns, Legends, and Facts” on the population statistics of Gypsies in Europe that they cannot have suffered any major population loss during World War II at all. Usually reliable mainstream sources claim that right before or shortly after the outbreak of World War II, between 750,000 and 1.5 million Gypsies lived in Europe, depending on the source, although the more reliable ones place the number closer to one million.

The problem is that, again according to a number of usually reliable mainstream sources, the number of Gypsies living in Europe in the early 1990s was said to have been about 10 million, which means their numbers grew by a factor of 10 within 50 years, that is, within two generations. This is a reproductive rate unheard of for any ethnic group in Europe. It requires that on average every fertile Gypsy woman must have had roughly 5.1 children, with a zero rate of child mortality. 

However, if we assume that there has been a mass murder of roughly half of the Gypsies living in 1939 indeed, then the postwar growth rate from 500,000 in 1945 to 10 million in 1992 would have been a factor of 20, meaning that every surviving fertile Gypsy woman must have born on average roughly 7.8 children, again with no child mortality. Such a reproductive rate could only be compared with that of fruit flies.

And most importantly, since the National Socialists are said to have murdered basically all the Gypsies they could lay their hands on, there shouldn’t have been any Gypsies left in those countries that were under firm National Socialist control during the war, primarily Germany, Austria, Czechia, Slovakia and Poland.

Yet according to a detailed article on the European Gypsy population as published in The New York Times in 1992,

4  there were 200,000 Gypsies alive and well in Germany, 750,000 in Poland and almost 1 million in Czechoslovakia. (They didn’t give numbers for the smaller countries like Austria and Switzerland.)

So how do you turn almost zero into almost 2 million within not even 50 years? One side or the other of that equation can’t be right, and I leave it up to the reader to decide, whether either or both of them are based on a lie.

Gassing Myths Debunked


The myth of the mass murder of Gypsies at Auschwitz is based on the infamous Auschwitz Kalendarium by Polish propagandist Danuta Czech.

5  This work was drafted in the late 1950s on request of the Communist Polish government. Although Poland at that time was extremely hostile toward anything German, this work was written and published in the German language just prior to the commencement of the German Auschwitz trial at Frankfurt upon Main. It was an attempt by the Polish authorities to streamline witness testimony and to come up with a generally “acceptable” atrocity story for Auschwitz.

In the 1989 revised edition of this book, Czech claims on p. 838 that 2,897 Gypsies were murdered in the Auschwitz gas chambers during the night from August 2 to August 3, 1944.

In his thoroughly researched paper “The ‘Gassing’ of Gypsies in Auschwitz on August 2, 1944,” Italian Revisionist Carlo Mattogno has deconstructed Czech’s myth.

First he shows that Czech made a severe math error. Czech claims, based on undeniable documentary evidence, that:

• 2,898 Gypsies lived in the Gypsy sector of the Auschwitz camp on Aug 2, 1944;

• On this day 1,408 of them were transferred by train to other camps (actually Buchenwald and Ravensbrück); and

• On the next day the Gypsy camp no longer appeared in the documents.

For Czech, however, 2,898 minus 1,408 equals 2,897. Correct would have been that “1,490 persons previously listed as residing in the Gypsy sector are unaccounted for.”

But were they really murdered? There is no documentary evidence for this.

Broadening the outlook, Mattogno found the answer to these missing 1,490 persons. It turns out that a few days earlier a transport of Jews from the Polish town of Radom had arrived at Auschwitz and that they had been assigned to the Gypsy section on August 1—without being Gypsies, though. As a result, after all the actual Gypsies (mostly children) had been transferred to other camps the following day, what was left in the camp’s Gypsy sector were no longer Gypsies. That designation was therefore dropped, and all those inmates were listed simply together with the other inmates. Hence, no murder at all. Just a reshuffling of people.

The Gypsies’ Reaction

It goes without saying that the Gypsy lobby doesn’t like that kind of revisionism. In a “Statement of the Center for Documentation and Culture of German Sintis and Rromas,” Jäckel, Lewy and their colleagues are attacked for their attempt at denying the Gypsies the same genocidal victim status as the Jews. But what evidence do they proffer for the claimed Gypsy genocide?

Believe it or not, they actually rely on the same utterly discredited sources as are used to “prove” the Jewish holocaust, for instance the testimony obtained by torture from former Auschwitz commander Rudolf Höss, or the outlandish testimony by former SS-member Pery Broad, which was obviously made under duress as well, as is betrayed by its language and the many impossible and false claims it contains. Needless to say that neither Höss nor Broad gave any actual figures of Gypsies murdered. The above-mentioned statement also repeats Danuta Czech’s legend of the mass gassing of Gypsies at Auschwitz on August 2/3, 1944.

Other than that, this lobby group merely claims that, based on unnamed statistics, a homicide percentage of 60-75% of all Gypsies has been proven, although no source is given for that at all. A genocide rate of 75%, however, would have lowered the immediate postwar Gypsy population down to 250,000. Getting this up to 10 million within 50 years, a growth factor of 40, would have required each and every fertile Gypsy woman to bear on average almost 11.5 children.

I refrain from any comment.

It may be safely argued that not just the Central Council of the German Gypsies in unison with other Gypsy lobby groups are manipulating the world with mendacious propaganda, but also Germany’s leading politicians, in tandem with the world’s media. Nothing new, really, is it?


1 “Wieder zwei Legenden über den Holocaust,” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , June 30, 2000, No. 149, 57.

2 “Die Forschung fängt erst an,” Frankfurter Rundschau, Feb. 13, 1997, 7.

3 Michael Zimmermann, Verfolgt, vertrieben, vernichtet. Die nationalsozialistische Vernichtungspolitik gegen Sinti und Rroma, Klartext-Verl., Essen 1989.

4 “Where They Now Live,” New York Times, Sept. 27, 1992, acc. to International Rromani Union.

5 D. Czech, Kalendarium der Ereignisse im Konzentrationslager Auschwitz-Birkenau 1939-1945, Rowohlt Verlag, Reinbek, 1989.



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