Is Argentina finally, and dramatically, turning away from Peronism and socialism? First-round voting put a libertarian-leaning presidential...
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August 22, 2023 • Weekly Newsletter
Javier Milei and Argentina’s Clarion Call ([link removed])
Alvaro Vargas Llosa (The Beacon)
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Is Argentina finally, and dramatically, turning away from Peronism and socialism? First-round voting put a libertarian-leaning presidential candidate, Javier Milei, at the top of the heap. If Milei maintains his lead through the final round, Argentina may have a shot at pulling itself out of misery and back into First-World dynamism. READ MORE » ([link removed])
Liberty for Latin America ([link removed])
How to Undo Five Hundred Years of State Oppression ([link removed])
By Alvaro Vargas Llosa
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Combatting Academic Hucksters in the Sciences ([link removed])
Richard K. Vedder (American Spectator)
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In a world with shrinking enrollments and many underemployed Ph.D.s, the temptations to lie to get published are intense. Up to 25% of clinical trials might be made up. And in economics and the social sciences, the problems are likely worse. How do we fix this? READ MORE » ([link removed])
Restoring the Promise ([link removed])
Higher Education in America ([link removed])
By Richard K. Vedder
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The Disney–DeSantis Feud: Avoidable in a Society Rooted in the Natural Law ([link removed])
Lawrence J. McQuillan (The Beacon)
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The real problem behind DeSantis-Disney? American jurisprudence has drifted away from natural rights for so long that we forget how a system of true liberty operates. For example, under a system of genuine liberty, Disney would have been free to create a special district among landowners by mutual consent without government interference—thus avoiding the occasion for feuds with politicians. READ MORE » ([link removed])
Beyond Politics ([link removed])
The Roots of Government Failure (Revised and Updated Edition) ([link removed])
By Randy Simmons
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Uncle Sam’s Credit Downgrade Hits Americans in Pocketbooks ([link removed])
Craig Eyermann (The Beacon)
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Fitch’s downgrade of the U.S. government’s creditworthiness earlier this month is hitting Americans squarely in the pocketbook—by driving up mortgage rates and other costs. What’s behind the downgrade? Uncle Sam has become really bad about keeping spending within his means. READ MORE » ([link removed])
My Government Co$t Calculator ([link removed])
The Latest from The Beacon
* Murphy’s Law on Loneliness ([link removed]) , by K. Lloyd Billingsley
* My Oppenheimer Reminiscences ([link removed]) , by William Happer
The Latest from Catalyst
* Javier Milei: The Economist Leading in the Argentine Election ([link removed]) , by Michael Peterson
* California’s Solar Dilemma ([link removed]) , by Spenser Stenmark
* Central Africa’s Singapore ([link removed]) , by Scott Beyer
* Oakland’s Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) Debacle ([link removed]) , by Jonathan Hofer
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