Into Bernie? We need your help!


🌹 – Great event for first-timers!

Ecosocialist Reading Group: Richard Smith article

February 24 @ 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Join Seattle DSA’s Ecosocialist Caucus to learn more about sustainable socialism for people and the planet. Enjoy casual, lively discussion and help to envision a better future for life on Earth.

Instead of an ongoing book, we are reading one of the foundational articles from DSA National’s Ecosocialism Caucus. Richard Smith’s “An Ecosocialist Path to Limiting Global Temperature Rise to 1.5°C”, Real World Economics Review, March 2019. Find the article here

Socialist Night School: The ABCs of Capitalism, Part C

February 24 @ 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

The conclusion of our mini-series on The ABCs of Capitalism by Vivek Chibber. The first two parts of our mini-series covered some rather bleak aspects of living in a capitalist society: bosses will always put the pursuit of profit over workers, the state is far from neutral, and the system really does favor the interests of the wealthy over the working class. But we shouldn’t despair just yet! Part C is here to give us hope and point us toward a path out of the muck.

The discussion for our final session in this mini-series will be about class struggle and working class political strategy. We will examine why class struggle creates power and political leverage, and how that leverage can help us win victories in all of our battles against all forms of oppression.

🌹 DSA for Bernie GOTV Phonebank in District 3

February 26 @ 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

We’re going all out for Bernie until the primary!

This past week ballots dropped in Seattle so it's important we make sure everyone votes for Bernie. This is also a good opportunity to talk to people about the Tax Amazon movement and to meet people who are open to socialist ideas and joining DSA. Phone Banking is a lot of fun and there’ll be experienced members to help if you haven’t done it before.

🌹 Workplace Organizing Collective (El Grupo para Organizar su Lugar de Trabajo)

February 26 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Are you frustrated that you don’t have a voice at work? Are you a freelancer who rarely gets paid on time? Are you working 2 or 3 gigs just to make rent? You’re not alone.

The Workplace Organizing Collective is a group of Seattle DSA members, including experienced labor organizers, who meet every week to teach each other concrete, effective organizing skills to build power at work.

This collective is open to everyone who wants to improve the lives of their families and communities by organizing for economic justice.

Email [email protected] for more information.

🌹 DSA for Bernie Canvass!

February 29 @ 10:30 am

Primary season is heating up! We’re now less than a month out from the Iowa caucuses, so talking to voters about Bernie and a mass movement to win reforms like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and Housing for All is more important than ever. We can win this!

So if you want to join the movement and get involved, please join us on Saturday, February 29th as we knock on doors, ID voters, and have some good conversations!

Before the canvass, please download the miniVAN app and create an Action ID so you can fully participate. (If you don’t have a smartphone, we’ll pair you with someone who does.)

App Store:

Google Play:

Never canvassed before? Don’t worry! We’ll pair you with someone experienced.

🌹 Green New Deal and Ecosocialism Meeting

March 1 @ 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

We envision a fair and effective Green New Deal to halt climate change and win environmental justice. In the short term, Seattle DSA’s Green New Deal Committee is developing a campaign to win Free Transit county-wide. Join us and the Ecosocialism Caucus, which offers a reading group every other Monday evening.

Questions? Ask [email protected].


Curious to meet some people before getting involved? No sweat! We've all been the new person in the room and we want you to be comfortable at our meetings.

South Seattle Democratic Debate Watch Party

February 25 @ 5PM

Watch the next Democratic Presidential Debate with the Seattle Democratic Socialists of America!

Come to the famous Clock-out Lounge in Beacon Hill, grab a drink and a slice of Breezy-Town Pizza, and cheer Bernie as he takes on establishment Democrats & the billionaire class.

The debate is expected to start at 5 PM, but we recommend showing up early to get a good seat. These debate watch parties are a great way to meet left-leaning people in your community and get plugged in to Seattle DSA events!

AOC & Biden? Do we need a new political party? District 5 Meeting

February 26 @ 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

AOC rightly pointed out that she and Biden, in any other country, would not be in the same party. The corporate wing of the Democratic Party, the dominant wing, is determined to defeat Bernie and his signature policies, which are favored by the majority of working people who make up the base of the Democratic Party. All this begs the question, if the dominant wing of the Democraic Party – it’s leadership, big donors, and institutions – are opposed to the policies supported by the majority of working people, whose interests do they represent?

If we decide it’s needed, what would a new political party look like, how would it be different? What steps should be taken to realize a new party? Is this realistic or is it off in the distant future? How should DSA concretely approach the question of a new political party in 2020/21, whether Bernie wins or loses?

D4 Reading Group

February 27 @ 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Join us in discussing the last few chapters (11-13) of The Dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin. A free online version of the text plus epub and mobi downloads are available here — We’ll also be discussing what to read next, so bring recommendations!

D5? D6? Sure, and everyone is welcome regardless of where you live!

Beer & Roses Labor Social

February 28 @ 6PM

Calling all union members & others interested in labor organizing! Hang out with Seattle DSA members who are interested in the labor movement, hear about what’s happening in the Labor Committee, and learn how you can get involved!

DSA for Bernie Table at Ballard Farmers Market (District 6)

March 1 @ 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

We’re going all out for Bernie until the primary!

This past week ballots dropped in Seattle so it's important we get out and make sure everyone votes for Bernie. This is also a good opportunity to talk to people about the Tax Amazon movement and to meet people who are open to socialist ideas and joining DSA. Tabling is a lot of fun and there’ll be experienced canvassers there to help if you haven’t done it before.

Join us this Sunday, March 1 at 11 am at the entrance to the BALLARD FARMERS MARKET on 5345 Ballard Ave NW for a DSA 4 Bernie table and crowd canvas!

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