Dear Sisters and Brothers, 


Happy August! Here are the 5 things you should know about the California Labor Movement this month.

Support Relief Efforts in Maui

As you no doubt know, the fires in Maui have been devastating to the community, the island, and the tourism industry where so many of our union members work. As usual, our unions and members are on the frontlines of the recovery. If you would like to help our brothers and Sisters in Hawaii, please contribute to the AFL-CIO special fund: Hawaii State AFL-CIO Labor Community Services Program/Hawaii Employees Lifeline Program.

SAG AFTRA Solidarity Day

Members of the Actors and Writers guilds have been on strike now for months, fighting for a fair contract with the studios that don’t want to share the wealth. I know when we think of SAG AFTRA, we naturally think of our brothers and sisters in Hollywood but there are members up and down the state. Today, there will be solidarity actions throughout California—including a rally at the Disney Studios in LA. If you have a chance, find a location near you. This fight is about all of us.

Join us on Labor Day

As summer is coming to a close, we are getting ready for annual Labor Day activities up and down the state. From San Diego to Redding, our unions will be coming together through our Central Labor Councils for actions, civil disobedience, picnics and tailgates. If you are looking for something to do in your area, please check out all the happenings here.


This year, I plan to be in San Jose for the South Bay Labor Council Picnic on Saturday and in Los Angeles with striking workers on Monday. I hope we will see you there!

Unemployment for Striking Workers

As the legislative session winds down, we are trying to push a number of new legislative proposals to help relieve the burden on striking workers. After securing healthcare for striking workers over the last few years, we are once again trying to pass a bill to allow striking workers to access the unemployment benefits they have earned.  In 2019 we attempted to pass this critical legislation but fell 2 votes short in the Senate. Since then, both New York and New Jersey have strengthened their benefits for striking workers. It’s Shameful that California has to passed this bill. Learn more here.

Plan Ahead for Major Rally!

On September 19th, we are planning a huge action at the State Capitol to Rally for Good Jobs and Safe Streets. This rally is to encourage the Governor to sign #AB316 - the California Labor Federation’s bill with the Teamsters to ensure there is a human operator on any large autonomous vehicle, big rig or bus. AI is wreaking havoc in the workplace and this is just one instance where we have garnered broad bi-partisan support to put some limits on this unsafe, job-killing technology. There will be buses and caravans coming from throughout the state so save the date!


In Solidarity,

Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher

PS: You might have seen that SEIU Local 1000 reached a tentative agreement this weekend. These members have been fighting hard for months with rallies and pickets. Last week I engaged in civil disobedience with the union in Sacramento, closing down the office building that houses the Governor. We are happy to see these hardworking public servants finally reach a tentative agreement with the Administration.