Can you believe it? Amplify Austin is just two weeks away and we need your help – because when we work together, we’re unstoppable.
To mark TFN’s 25th Anniversary, our goal is to raise $25,000 in 24 hours.
On March 5-6, don’t miss this opportunity to help TFN reach our goal and amplify your impact on our critical voter registration work across the state. Every dollar raised will directly support our ambitious goal to register 100,000 new young voters this election cycle. Right now, our Texas Rising field team has already reached over 18,000 new voter registrations – we’ve got the momentum but there’s still a long way to go.
If we’re going to stay on track to register 80,000 more voters by November, we need to ramp up our grassroots organizing efforts starting NOW. This means hiring more field staff and training student leaders to build the biggest organizing team we’ve ever had. This work will require A LOT of resources.
Which is why I’m asking for your help once again. Will you invest in this movement and make a generous donation to TFN’s Amplify Austin campaign?
We’ve seen what happens when we work together to move Texas forward. In 2018, we made our voices heard by showing up to the polls in record-breaking numbers, signaling a moment of change in Texas. This year, our state is young and more progressive than ever. We’re depending on YOU to help us build power for this rising generation and bring real change to Texas.
Can you make a donation to Amplify TFN today? Your support – $25, $50, $100, $250 or whatever amount is meaningful to you! – is what fuels our work.
Thank you so much.
With gratitude,
Kathy Miller
TFN President