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Saudi sportswashing stonewalls the Senate

By Ben Freeman on Aug 21, 2023 03:00 am

Saudi Arabia is doubling down on the veil of secrecy surrounding its attempt to effectively control the international game of golf.
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Camp David summit: A trilateral march toward instability?

By James Park on Aug 18, 2023 12:01 am

Today's meeting between the US, South Korea, and Japan will codify cooperation but warning signs persist.
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What will happen to US troops stationed in Niger if the region explodes?

By Connor Echols on Aug 17, 2023 03:00 am

Washington’s military presence in the country — including a drone base — is increasingly under scrutiny following last month’s coup.
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Bill Kristol leads charge to make Republicans think ‘right’ on Ukraine

By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos on Aug 17, 2023 02:47 am

His $2 million campaign wants to ensure that there is only one way to support the people there — and it's not focusing on diplomacy.
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It’s been 70 yrs since the CIA-assisted coup in Iran

By Sina Azodi on Aug 16, 2023 03:17 am

Relations between Washington and Tehran were never the same as before Eisenhower approved 'Operation Ajax' in 1953.
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