Hi John,

Tensions are rising around the country, and the far right are actively trying to exploit them but John, you hold the key to stopping them.

We monitor far-right activity very closely. We keep tabs on what they're up to and where they're active. And you, John, can play a part in this by raising the alarm about far-right activity in your neighbourhood and joining our team of on-the-ground information gatherers - The HOPE Group.

Has the far right been out in your area? If yes, we want to hear from you. Whatever you’ve seen - from a leafleting session to a demonstration - please fill out our quick report and let us know.


Your intel will help us thwart the far-right's efforts. We’ve been keeping tabs on some of these groups for a while now including:

  • Patriotic Alternative  - the UK’s most active fascist organisation. They are not just far right, they are actual neo-Nazis with links to the banned terror group, National Action. Around this time every year, they increase their activity to try and drum up support for their hateful agenda. 
  • Anti-Muslim party Britain First, who are very active in the South East and North East spreading their hateful messages through leaflets
  • So-called“migrant hunters” who are targeting hotels around the country that are temporarily housing refugees and asylum seekers - harassing staff and residents

Now we need your help. We need to know exactly what they’ve been up to, so we can continue our campaign to bring them down.

Become part of The HOPE Group, our crucial team of on-the-ground information gatherers, and take two minutes to let us know what’s been happening in your area.


When we’ve had the responses, we’ll spend time sitting down with our research team to pour over the details you’ve sent and work out how we can best take the campaign to the next level. We’ll get back in touch soon to let you know how you can get involved.

Thanks for your support.

Nick and Angharad

Campaigners at HOPE not hate