The grim reality is that the transition to green energy will be catastrophic for the economy, and if it is fully followed through, will reduce the United States to Third World status. The Biden regime seems intent on making life as difficult as they ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

New study shoots down Biden’s claim that transition to green energy will create jobs
The grim reality is that the transition to green energy will be catastrophic for the economy, and if it is fully followed through, will reduce the United States to Third World status. The Biden regime seems intent on making life as difficult as ...

Iconic San Francisco store may leave city: ‘when you walk the streets you step over needles and human waste’
The Democrats have destroyed this onetime jewel of a city. And the chief villain in the California debacle, Governor Gavin Newsom, is the Democrat party's golden boy with the White House in his sights. It's astonishing. The Democrats reward the ...

Chicago: Democrat alderwoman asks gang members to limit their shootings and murders to evening hours
If it weren't for Democrat policies coddling criminals and encouraging crime, Chicago wouldn't be the hellhole it is today. There is a direct connection between decades of Democrat rule (and not just in Chicago by any means) and rampant crime and ...

Democrat Former Senator: Arlington Cemetery’s Confederate Monument Should Not Be Removed, Was For National Healing
This statue and others like it was never intended to be a celebration of slavery or racism. The statues of Confederate leaders and this Confederate Memorial were meant as symbols of national healing and unity. Because of that fact, there is ...

VIDEO from Belgium: Migrant teens force Belgian boy to kiss their feet, beat him savagely
The left deliberately imported this savagery into the West and stand with these neanderthals.

Read Bat Ye'or's Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis.

The majority of terror attacks in Europe (Paris, London, Brussels et al) were the acts of Muslim ...

Biden’s favorite super PAC has a $12 million gap in its financial disclosures
Of course it does. Merrick Garland's desperately corrupt and politicized “Justice” Department has made it abundantly clear that neither the Biden crime family nor The Big Guy himself will suffer any consequences for their influence peddling and ...

Utah Woman Attends Party Without Her Muslim Boyfriend, So He Shoots Her
How far we have come for the rights of women in America! Exactly how far is clear from a story out of Utah, where one of the denizens of the new multicultural paradise that the Left has so graciously bestowed upon us demonstrated his profound ...

Despite Concerns Palestinian Aid Would Boost Hamas, Biden Regime Went Ahead With Aid Anyway.
If it funds Jew hatred and Jewish genocide, the Biden regime is all in. Not to mention it is in complete violation of the Taylor Force Act. The resumption of U.S. aid in violation of the law.  Now, it finally is revealed that the State Department, ...

As Maui Death Toll Rises, Number of Missing Remains a Mystery
The Democrat run state can't (more like, won't) count the dead because the horror and human death toll of their incompetence is catastrophic. Hence the slow roll out of bad news which they know they can count on the media to soft peddle. ...

How The New York Times Downplays Any Improvement In Israel-Saudi Relations
While some see hope of a normalization of ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia, the New York Times chooses to emphasize the negative. More on how the Times' reporters have recently covered Saudi-Israel relations can be found here.

A New York ...

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