We're resending this email that we sent over the weekend to ensure that you didn't miss this urgent update. Hi, Trump-appointed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has been an utter disaster for the U.S. Postal Service. Mail delivery has been massively delayed.1 Postal rates are rising. Postal workers are sounding the alarm by publicly protesting DeJoy’s plans.2 Despite all this, DeJoy is accelerating his disastrous plans to slow delivery — this time by consolidating mail sorting to regional centers instead of local post offices. Even some Republicans in Congress are speaking out against DeJoy’s plans, but we don’t have to take this lying down.3 The postal service will be holding public meetings in the coming months to solicit feedback about his latest mail delivery slowdown plan — and that means now is the perfect time to ramp up our efforts to demand that Louis DeJoy be fired. Now.
The post office is supposed to be a public service. It’s particularly crucial in rural and Indigenous communities, where broadband is scarce and for-profit companies won’t set up shop because they don’t think they can make a profit.4 But DeJoy, a former logistics company CEO, isn’t focused on providing a service. He wants to run the post office like a profit-seeking business. That’s why he’s slashed hours for rural workers and rolled out a plan to close post offices and sorting centers — forcing postal carriers to travel farther to pick up the mail.5,6 DeJoy’s plan will hurt postal workers and every American who needs their mail on time. We’ve mobilized over 100,000 people to demand that President Biden get rid of DeJoy by nominating two new USPS governors who will vote to fire DeJoy. Now, with members of Congress adding to our momentum, we must turn up the heat. With gratitude for all that you do, Tihi and the team at Demand Progress Action Sources: ![]() PAID FOR BY DEMAND PROGRESS (DemandProgress.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Join our online community on Facebook or Twitter. You can unsubscribe from this list at any time. |