HOLY COW!  Between the City of Oakland and Chicago, we could have this whole gun violence thing solved!  In Oakland, just sound some airhorns to neuter the bad guys and in Chicago, we just need to hav

HOLY COW!  Between the City of Oakland and Chicago, we could have this whole gun violence thing solved!  In Oakland, just sound some airhorns to neuter the bad guys and in Chicago, we just need to have a chat with gang members and politely ask them to keep their shootouts to the middle of the night.  Of course, some Leftist Democrat would come up with this lame-brain idea: “Please – no shooting between 9 am and 9 pm!” Read all about it below – and GOC got a good chuckle from an Ammoland line in response to an Oakland resident who has not one, but 3 airhorns: “What good that will do her if she’s ever under attack is left unsaid. While plenty of evidence of Defensive Gun Uses (DGUs) exists, Defensive Airhorn Uses is a statistical nonstarter.”   Truth!


And in some new GOC “news”, in addition to our Legislative Action Center, we are going to begin posting GOC SPEAKS, which will be a direct link to actual letters we send to the Legislature and policy committees.  To that end, we have a lot to say about Governor Newsom’s new Constitutional amendment drill on guns; SJR 7 is the Legislature’s non-binding resolution of support.  Check out GOC SPEAKS here.


And, don’t forget to weigh in on the other bills before the Legislature – make your voices heard via our Legislative Action Center HERE.  We greatly appreciate those of you who have taken the time to JOIN US in engaging with your representatives. 

Oakland PD Airhorn Advice: An Admission of Gun Control Failure | AmmoLand 
Oakland PD is instructing people to use air horns for self-defense.

CA DOJ: Proposed Carry Law Would Cost Millions | Bearing Arms
GOC has been beating this drum for 2 years! Law will accomplish nothing.

Some Anti-Gunners Voicing Concern Over Gov’s Anti-Gun Amendment | Bearing Arms
The whole “confiscation” game is even bugging some Lefties.  

CA Lawsuit On Ammo Sales Touches On 2A And State Lines | Bearing Arms
Great background info on the ammo lawsuit,  Rhode vs Bonta.

LA DA’s Own Employees Being Terrorized | RedState
Even bleeding-heart Leftists have had enough.

GOA Fights for the 1st AND 2nd Amendments | GOA
Gun Owners of America steps in and the DOJ drops the ridiculous gag order.

Chicago Democrat Asks Gang Members To Limit Shootings to Nighttime | Free Beacon
Well, why didn’t WE think of that?

Newsom Proposal To Export California Gun Control Across America | NSSF
This is the last thing America needs – or wants.

IRS Agent Kills Fellow Agent At Phoenix Shooting Range | Breaking 911
Legitimate question: why are IRS agents even armed?

Teachers Union Conference Encourages Educators Lobbying For Gun Control | Daily BS
And their Leftist policies seep into the classroom….

Biden’s DOJ Asks SCOTUS To Gut the 2nd Amendment | Ammoland
In a 67 page brief, no less.

Licensed Federal Firearms Dealers Say Biden Is Targeting Them | Breitbart
The Biden “admin” lecturing anyone about accountability. Oh, the irony.

Biden Boasts He’s Bypassed Congress for Gun Control More than Any One! | Breitbart
It's a sad day when the sitting President can brag about violating the Constitution.

On Biden's Newest False Claims About Guns | Townhall
Anything by John Lott is always worth a read.

Most Gun Owners Are Armed For One Reason: Safety | News Nation
Dang straight.

Click here: GOC 


Vacaville, Saturday, October 28, 2023  




Gun Owners of California
Gun Owners of California, Inc.
1190 Suncast Ln, Suite 2
El Dorado Hills, California 95762
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